a krinx wedding day

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Krism pov

alex and Shanice walk down the isle and they do they part with I dos and all Shanice is in the gorgeous black dress with gold highlights minx picked out and Alex was in his white tux with silver accents. They look amazing. After I walk down the aisle I notice something "WHERE THE HELL IS MY WIFE" i say after 10 minutes

We found her sleep on the couch I couldn't be mad cuz she was sick obviously explained by how she had a puke bucket near her

"Awww is my bebe not feeling well"
I said minx woke up looked at me and sed "I'm sorry bebe" I said "it's ok u just rest" I told Alex and Shanice to go on with out us. I just wanna help my minx feel better I hug her and just say "mine" that makes her laugh softly. she puts her arm around me and says "yours"

Aww minx got sick on the wedding day 😥 (can anyone name where this reference is from here's a hint it's on Krisms channel aka krismpro on youtube) comment on message me your answer and I'll give u a shout out and a part in this our the next fan fiction I do

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