Chapter 4- All over an outfit!

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Skylars point of view

I wake up after a peaceful night of sleep to see an arm wrapping around me. Noah! I look around me and notice I'm in his room!


I still can't sleep. It's already eleven thirty and I was getting tired but I just couldn't sleep. I was debating whether to go to NOAHS room( my wolf ) or stay ( me). In the end, my wolf won.

I walk down to NOAHS  room and instantly perk up when I see him still awake. He is reading in his phone. He sees me and shuts off his phone. I go up to him and say, "I can't sleep"

"I can fix that. Come here" he says, holding out his arms. I lean into him and snuggle up against him.

"Night" he says but I'm already out cold

Present day******

"Noah, we are going to be late for school" I say, struggling to get up.

"I don't care" he says

"Shut up and let me go, creep" I scold but he still doesn't let me go.

" oh really. I'm a creep. You didn't think so last night" he says with a smirk and I smack him on the arm. I take this advantage and run out of his room and into mine, locking the door.

I change into a dress. The top part is black and the bottoms part is crime with some fancy patterns at the very bottoms. It comes a little above my knee. I put on sanders and cute earrings to match. Then, I gather a part of my school bag, which is a brown leather handbag.

Satisfied with my outfit, I walk downstairs to the smell of waffles and chocolate. Yum! I sit down at my usual place and drench my waffles in chocolate syrup. As I finish off my third waffle, Noah finally comes down

" hey da... Skylar, go change" he says with a growl. His eyes currently filled with lust, but I don't care.

" no" I say, holding my ground

" Go change right now before I fuck you right here, right now" he says staring at me. I am amused. As if I would let him do that.

" Noah,  have some dignity " scolds mom. Yes, I do still call mom and dad. They may not have given birth to me, but they raised me so they count as my parents.

"That was lost the minute they realized they were mates" says dad and I resist a giggle.

" I'm not changing" I say, still holding my ground.

"Fine, but if any person looks at you, I won't hesitate to rip there heads off" says Noah  and this time, a giggle escapes from my mouth. I instantly cover my mouth but he heard anyways.

"You think this is funny..." He says

I quickly nod my head and suddenly am attacked by Noah. He starts tickling me and I scream for him to stop.

"Not until you say, Noah is the best" he says

"Noah, you have to stop tickling me for me to say that" I say.

" Ok" he says, falling for it. He stops tickling me.

"Noah is the best" I say, crossing my fingers behind me.

"Good" he says and he sits down again

"Not" I scream, holding up my crossed fingers, and running back up to my room. I make it there right before he does and lock my door. I can hear him fiddling with the lock, probably picking at it. I run into the bathroom and climb out the window. Thankfully, I am on the first floor. Still a 3-5 feet drop. I close my eyes and jump as I feel my door open.

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