Chapter 8- Meeting the parents!

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Chloe's point of view ( I'm going to start calling her Chloe now. Skylar will now be her middle name )

I got dressed for lunch with my parents. I wore a cute skirt and a baby blue t-shirt, casual and formal since I don't know if it is casual or formal.

When me and Noah were about to leave, a knock sounded on the door.

I went to open it and I see Emma and Gabby. "Hi, girls. Are we going now?"

"Yeah, but we want to talk to you first" says Gabby. She kicks Noah into the other room  and they ask me a bunch of questions about myself, like how old am I, what was my name before? They are super interested to know about the old pack.

"So, how old are you?" Says gabby.

"I'm 16" I say

"What was your name before?" Says Emma

"Skylar but I decided for that to be my middle name. You can call me Chloe" I say, telling them what I decided a couple seconds before this conversation.

"Who did you live with in the dark moon pack?" Says gabby.

"The alpha and Luna. I had actually thought that they were my parents but I guess not" I say

"Wait, but isn't Noah the alphas son? So, you thought he was your brother, " says Emma, cracking a smile and they both finally realize.

"Yeah, it was super weird. The person who I thought was my brother is actually my mate" I say, remembering the day.

" did you have a boyfriend? Before Noah?" Asks Gabby

"Yeah, one. His name was Sean but he moved. We were only together for a couple weeks" i say

But, after a while of this interrogation, I had enough. I wanted to learn about them too. So, I said, " what about you guys?"

"Huh? What about us?" They say at the same time. ( btw, I know that twins don't do that since I'm a twin too. But, I thought it would be cool )

" Gabs, do you have. Boyfriend?" I ask

"Yeah, he is my mate. His name is Ryder and he is the betas son" smiles gabby, sheepishly.

"Before Garrett, Emma?" I prod.

"Nope. No guys are cute enough, I guess" she says after gigging. "But, the truth is, I never wanted a boyfriend. Because I'm too focused on my dance career"

"You dance?" I say, surprisingly.

"Yeah, me and gabby are both really good tap dancers" says Emma. ( by the way, I got Emma and gabby from So You Think You Can Dance. They are my favorite so I had too. Who is your favorite? )

"You have to agree to show me" I say, crossing my fingers.

" not now, maybe after lunch" says Gabby.

"Hey, speaking of lunch, are we going or not" says Nate, poking his head in.

"YeH, let's go" I say, pulling the girls up

We all walked to the dining hall in their castle-like home. We all got seated and were asked what we wanted for lunch. I got pasta, mashed potatoes and a milkshake. I got chocolate which as delicious. About half way in to the lunch, a balding man comes in apologizing and saying that he lost track of time.

"It's ok, dad. Happens" says Emma while Gabby gives me a glare. She mind links me staying, that is our father.

"Oh, hi, who are you?" Says a lady behind him.

"Hello, I'm Chloe, your daughter" I say standing up to shake their hand. Instead I get a huge hug from both my mom and my dad.

"Chloe, your back" says mom, tears threatening to slip.

"Mom, your embarrassing us" hisses Gabby and I can't help but laugh.

"No, it's fine, gabby" I say, waving my hand.

"Oh, you have already met Gabby. Emma too, I presume? Those two don't separate" laughs my father.

"Yeah, Nate too" I say.

"Oh, and who are they?" Says mom, pointing to Lindsay, Abby and Garrett.

"This is Noah, my mate and my three best friends." I say, hoping they they don't mind that they have come.

"Mom, Garrett is my mate" says a now-hyper Emma.

"And Lindsay is mine" says Nate and I gawk.

"Wait, did I miss something?" I say, still gawking, my mouth refusing to close.

"Yeah, while you were gabbing with the twins, we realized we were mates" says Lindsay.

"Ok" I say, sitting back down.

Me and my newly-met family all talked while we ate lunch and afterwards, I made gabby and Emma show me their tap dancing. The video above. I know it's not the right people, but it's the routine that they perform.

Overall, today was a good day!!

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