Chapter 12- Heat!!

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Chloe's point of view

That night, I felt a slight burn during dinner, but I pushed it off as hunger. Though as time went on, the burn grew stronger.

Until it was unbearable. I was going into heat! Heat is a pain that werewolfs go into. It's like a period. The only way to stop it is to do the dirty. But, Noah isn't here.

The pain surged through my body as if I was on fire and then, through the night, it died down.

Noah wasn't there that night, saying that he was going to go tell his parents and invite them to the wedding, which we decided was going to be in three months.

I knew if I had this again, I would just die. So, I sent for Noah, trying to get him to come.

He gets home the next day, but it's too late. My heat was over.

"Love.... I'm sorry I wasn't here to help" he says, sweetly. My heart swelled with pride and I could hear the sadness in his words.

"It's fine." I start but he interrupts

"No, it's not fine. You were in pain and I wasn't here to help" he says, pulling at his hair. I smile, thinking that he loves me so much!

"At least I have till next month for heat, right?" I say.

"Unless...." he starts, and I could just see the gears turning and soon mine do too.

"Love... I could easily stop the heat forever" he suggests, but I pretend not to hear him. I was ready, but not today. I'm too tired, so I just turned off the light and went to bed.


I came back from lunch to see Noah on the bed, on his phone.

He looks up and turns off his phone. I could tell he wanted to talk. So, I sat down on the bed and waited.

"Do you not want to..." he says, but I. Interrupt

" no, I do. I was just tired yesterday, "I say, explaining myself.

He sits up and wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear, " sooooo, now"

I shudder and he kisses down my neck.

Oh, I'm going to have fun tonight, I think.

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