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"Feliciano!" The group of teens who were continually asking the 'pure-hearted cinnamon bun too pure for this world' if he was alright were abruptly interrupted when the door slammed opened.

They saw flash of blonde running towards Feliciano's bed and right in front of him met worried blue ocean eyes.

"I heard from Eduard that you got hurt by some bully! I should've followed you to class! Stupid me..." He muttered the last part.

Feliciano was still at a loss."I-I'm sorry?" He never expected someone to jump on his bed and be literally hovering on top of him asking about his well being...

"Alfred you bastardized child, get off of him!" Lovino was pulling him off the cot pushing him away from his brother.

Alfred pouted but he eventually complied, he sits much closer to Feliciano, rubbing his head.

Then they heard someone else running towards the nurse.

"Feliciano! Are you alright, sunflower?" Ivan came in huffing fits, going over to Feliciano's bed and slowly holding his face and checking up any injuries, ignoring Alfred and Lovino's protest.

Feliciano blinks and blushes, frivolously nodding his head that was still being held by Ivan.

    "I'm sorry for making you guys worry." He nuzzled more into Ivan's touch."I'm fine don't worry...I just got to avoid any physical activities..." He laughs skittishly.

Ivan sighs in relief and smiles brightly at him.

Only at him. No one else but him.

"That's good." He takes a seat at the end of Feliciano's bed which made Alfred smirk as he leans more to Feliciano.

Ivan glares at him but that sudden tension between them was shut down by the nurse.

"I can't have you all in here you know." She smiles sadly."Don't some of you guys have an important class to go to? You know...the classes you need in order to graduate on time?" She said in amusement when see saw a few students eyes bugged out their skulls, and one of them was Kiku.

"Ah! I should leave!" He bows to Feliciano."Get well Feliciano-san, and don't worry about coming to the club!" He quickly left the room.

Vash was still staring at Feliciano with hesitation in his eyes."I should leave as well." He took a quick glance at the spectacle teen and left.

Feliciano tilts his head."That's weird?" He cups his chin."What's happened to him? He was alright and grumpy a second ago..."

Lovino waved it off."Hormones." He said nonchalant as ever.Feliciano was still confused.

"Well I have a free period so I'm alright!" Alfred shouted making everyone even the nurse flinch and slightly glared at him.

Feliciano shocked about the sudden announcement fumbled around until he was face to face to the American teen.

"H-how? Have you taken any advance classes in the past?" His glasses where shining in curiosity and it took Alfred will power to not hug the cute Italian right there.

"Y-yeah...I entered a program during the old man wanted me to be ahead of everyone else when I entered school." He rubs the back of his neck."I only took science and stuff like that." He glance back up at Feliciano."That's why we have the same science class."

Feliciano smiles."I never heard of that!" He sits back down back to his spot."hmm...maybe I should check the program out...what about it Lovino?" He grabs hold of Lovino's hand and places it on his cheek.

"Programs like that probably cost a lot." He glances over to Alfred."Don't it? Rich boy?"

"Oh yeah..."he laughs loudly."I forgot I don't pay it, my pops does." He smiles sheepishly.

Feliciano chuckles patting Alfred's knee, he then looks over to Ivan who was glaring at Alfred like it was no tomorrow."What about you Ivan? Don't you need to be heading to class?" He said politely.

Ivan scowl turned to a gentle smiling bean."нет, your health is my priority...I have art." He added making Sadik and Alfred give odds looks.

The nurse who was still standing there rolled her eyes."Alright you guys can stay..." She sighs."its already the end of the day anyways." She goes back to her office chair.

Lovino got up from his seat and pushed Sadik and pulling Ivan up from his seat, he then gave Alfred a look that scared him and bit and followed after him."Go to sleep Feli...ill wake you up when class is done." He said in a soft tone and then turns to the other three."I need to speak to the three of you..."

Feliciano nods and goes back to laying down on the comfortable cot.

Lovino drags the three out the room and slowly closes the door.

"Alright you idiots what the hell is up?" He cross his arms over his chest."Why are you two on each other's throat." He mentioned to Alfred and Ivan.

"Whaaaat~? Nooo." Alfred said chuckling nervously, and nudge Ivan's arm who was more serious than the other."We're just having a good ol' time! R-right b-buddy?" He almost gagged at the word.

Ivan on the other hand looked apathetic than nervous under Lovino's stare down spoke."I'm sorry but..." He moves away from Alfred's touch."I just want to be friends with your brother...Feliciano..." He said apologetically.

"But he's just keep getting in the way of things." He points childishly to Alfred.

"T-that's not true!" He snapped."This creep is planning something and I'm protecting Feliciano from him." He accused.

Sadik who was amusingly watching from the back ground just laughs."This is comedy gold." He holds his stomach.

Lovino only raised his hand and made the two bickering teens shut up."I don't need to tell two grown ass teenagers how to handle this..." He said in annoyance.

"Feliciano is a good kid...he loves friends and being with friends makes him happy..." With hesitate tone he continued."Ivan probably knows this but Feliciano never really have any friends when we were young."

Alfred eyebrows furrowed."W-what? But--this is Feliciano were talking about right? H-he's like the coolest cat I've ever met!" He said shockingly.

Lovino nods at his statement."I know but ever since he had those big nerdy glasses--these kids just basically bullied him into his own little shell." He said sadly."but I'm happy now that he's been enjoying his high school with people he can call friends." He looks at Alfred and Ivan

His eyes that were nostalgic and soft became the deadliest shade of green."So I'm warning you two, don't you guys ever fight in front of my little brother." He points at them.

"Or their will be hell to pay."

:D my life hurts...

нет: No [Russian]

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