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Aha..I'm not dead! _(┐ε:)_

Sorry for the long wait! I've been kinda busy! ┐('-д-)┌

So here's the long awaited chapter!

Sadik and Lovino were still fighting each other from inside the boys bathroom-Well more like Sadik trying to move away from Lovino's prying claws that were getting too close to his neck.

"Alrigh' I'm sorry!" Sadik moved to the bathroom stalls and shut it close.

Lovino scoffed and kicks the door, muttering few curse words then leans on the bathroom door stall.

They stood they quietly for awhile until Sadik silently got up from the toilet seat and peaked from up the door stall."Oi, ya ain't gonna kick my ass if I open the door right?" He said jokingly.

Lovino snorted as he then closes his eyes for a bit, trying to clear his mind.

"Fratello c'mon!" He opens his eyes to see the familiar scene that he remembered as a child, the Vivid green field they always walk around on when their grandfather was making dinner. He remembered the beautiful looking forest they play hide and seek in.(they knew to not wander farther in the forest)

The small Lovino looks over to where his younger baby brother Feliciano standing at with his frilly dress as he pulled him deeper into the forest.

They stopped walking deeper and Feliciano bend down to look at the crystalline pond."So why did you bring me here again?" He pouted.

"Look fratello." Feliciano points to the pond,"There these magical fishes! Their bigger than the goldfish we won from the festival and it has spots!" He giggles cutely.

Lovino gets close to the pond and sees the big fishes swimming freely around them. Feliciano takes off his shoes and walks near the pond, dipping one of his small feet in and slowly goes in the water.

"H-hey you shouldn't go in there! It could be dirty!" He tried to pull Feliciano out the beautiful pond.

Feliciano smiles and pulls Lovino into the cool water, scarring away the fishes.

Lovino spluttered and wipes his face from his face."You dummy!" He coughs. He glares at the small Feliciano who was laughing and running more into the pond.

Lovino gets up and takes off his wet shoes and tosses them to the side, running after them.

The both children spend their afternoon chasing each other, laughing with each other and making precious memories.

Feliciano picks up his dress and jumps around, being cautious with the fishes still swimming away but getting closer.

Lovino sits at the side of the pond looking at his little brother feeding the big fishes lettuce, seeing his eyes big and wide made his brain turned to mush.

"Fratello! Look their eating it!" He said in awe as he continued feeding the fishes.

He sighs happily, loving the mid-summer afternoon with the person he loved...very dearly...

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