Chapter 4

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"Well at least you and your dad have something in common.", Jayson jokes the next day at the bus stop. "Both of you got fired."

"Please- don't joke like that.", I said.

"Yeah Jayson- don't joke like that.", mimics a familiar snobby voice.

"Ugh, Clyde.", I say after turning around and seeing him.

"What did I do?", Clyde says in a fake you- just- hurt- my- feelings voice.

"You purposely tripped me to get me fired!", I yelled.

"No I didn't!", Clyde replies.

We continue arguing until Maggie shows up. "Hi Clyde 'Trip' McSam.", She says. "You know Tyler and Jayson are right."

"Oh yeah? Prove it.", Clyde demands furiosly.

"Okay.", Maggie says, whipping out her phone. "Someone took a video and posted it on youtube."

Jayson, Clyde, and I watch a slow motion video of Clyde sticking out his foot and tripping me at Peter's Perfect Pancakes.

Clyde stomps off annoyed, angry, and defeated.

Maggie kisses me on the cheek. "Hope your dad gets a job.", She tells me.

"Thanks.", I reply.

"You're blushing.", Jayson says to me right before the bus pulls up. "I think she likes you."

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