Chapter 6

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Iris watched the small gift get checked out by Sarah, she had bobbed brown hair that looked to by cut with a knife. She had fear filled blue eyes, Sarah got her dressed and got back on her phone.
"I'm calling the NSO, I assume you want them safe in their own ground?" She sounded tired, Iris touched her cheek gently.
"Yes, but sleep right after I will take care of it" Iris tries to comfort her, she was never very good at it but Sarah appreciated the effort. Sarah leans on her wrapping her arms around her dangerous friend, Iris didn't pull away. She allowed Sarah to touch her for comfort, it was all she could really do at the moment.
"You know they won't listen to reason, they'll bust in right after I call them" Sarah was right and Iris knew it.
"Plan a meeting for tomorrow and clear the workers from building, they will take species and my promise will be zaversheno" Iris nods, Sarah grabs her phone with a smile.
"Did the males get checked out yet?" Sarah cocks her head to the side in a curious gesture.
"The V to vremya kak glupo oni travmirovany will not get looked at, they wish to see the gift" Iris shrugs glancing at the frightened species woman.
"I'll hold off a little on calling them until they're checked out and then we'll do it" Sarah nods looking at the gift, age crouches down to the woman's level with a smile. The gift smiles slightly back, she seemed at ease with Sarah "Iris is loud and mean but she will not let anyone hurt you alright? Even she has a soft spot, just trust her" Sarah smile grows as the gift nods and presses herself against Iris back. Iris glances at her before walking out, the gift stays pressed against her and following her movement easily. They get to the room, the species males lock their gaze on the cowering woman.
"Who is that?" Joe looks around her as the gift cowers more, Iris shoots a glare at him.
"Take care of the males, ------" she shrugs, the males allow Joe to get close to them. Sitting still and keeping their eyes fixed on the gift. A grunt walks in, young and cocky as he stops by Iris with a grin.
"Sarah sent me to tell you that they called us first and tried to make a deal" the boy shrugs, he looks at the gift with a curious look "can't we just keep the hot girl? I'd love to fuck her" he grabs her wrist making her screech.
Iris turns gripping his wrist and shattering it, her foot connecting with his stomach.
"You touch her once more and I will not hesitate" Iris glowered down at him, her eyes burning with intensity.
"krikun, you are shadow, stay out of my way" Iris frowns watching her, her words came out harsh. She didn't intend on scaring the gift but she never was good with other people, the boy whimpers running from the room.
"Kids these days don't know how to follow orders," Joe sighs "They don't understand that you're actually a big softy" he snickers, a sly look on his face. She glares at him her lips pulled back into a sneer.
"myagkaya moya zadnitsa," she hissed, Joe was starting to get on her nerves.
"So they're coming to take the species?" He frowns looking over her.
"Yes, with that they will be free and my promise done" Iris shrugs, uncaring.
"Who's coming for us?" The blond species male snarls, standing up he looked ready to fight her. The gift screeched burying her face in Iris back, he male froze, he didn't want to scare his own kind.
"The NSO, they are species. You will be free" she watches the distrust light in his gaze, she shrugged once more not caring what he thought. She just needed them to be gone. With them here she would always have to worry about them, she also didn't want the male she had interest in to be stuck with her. She didn't wish that one anyone.
Iris walked over to the unconscious male, he had been sleeping for some time. Her fingers brushing against his defied cheekbones, rubbing over his soft lips. She wanted to kiss him but her thoughts were cut short by the defending growl from the three other species males.
"Zhivi svoyey zhizn'yu i byt' schastlivym, mne ty prosto vrednosti" with that she turned away and got ready to clear the building.

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