Chapter 9

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"Iris," Sarah's voice was in her ear, Iris stood and walked to her office. It had been months since they last saw the new species, and Sarah wanted to plan something nice. She read up more on the new species after that incident and wanted to help them, Iris let her do what she wanted. It didn't bother her in the least.
"What is the plan?" Iris waits for her to answer pulling out a match and placing it between her pierced red painted lips, her head tilted to the side and hands clamped together in her lap. It had become a habit of hers to keep a match between her teeth, she felt uncomfortable without the male species she felt attraction to. It helped her calm down and Sarah understood, she saw the loneliness in iris's normally cold eyes.
"I called homeland already and we're going to have a meeting with them, I plan on giving them our S bank" Sarah shrugged packing her items in her purse.
Their S bank was one that gained a lot of money over time, they had many deals strung into that bank. Clean deals, and the money they make from the bars they own. It made sense to her, Iris doubted they would accept dirty money. Sarah made sure that money still flooded into that account, she wanted to make sure the gift she had taken a liking to never have to scrounge for money.
"All for that krikun?" Iris frowned, she had taken a liking to the gift as well but it surprised her that Sarah wanted to do this much for her.
"Yeah, she was sweet and if I ever had a daughter I think I think I'd want someone like her" Sarah smiles standing and throwing her purse over her shoulder. Iris frowns at her words, she had almost forgotten that Sarah wanted to get married some day.
Iris threw her legs over her motorcycle, placing on her sunglasses as Sarah wore her helmet.
"I had a kid once," Sarah's voice was shaky, she had the helmet over her head to cover her heartbroken expression, "A little boy, his name was Brandon.. It was before you came and a rival Mafia kidnapped him..." Her voice cracked as she held her purse tightly, "They sent me a video of them killing him slowly-" her voice hitched as she tried to keep her tears down, "I quit medical school because of that, when I see all the blood it reminds me of my son.. I didn't have enough money to save him.." Tears ran down her covered face. Iris frowned, glancing at her.
"It's not you fault, Mafia is dangerous business and no one should have loved ones" Iris frowned, "My lover was killed by Mafia as well, I watch him die" she sighs, "In Russia we have a saying, the dead live through us. So do not linger in the past Dorogoy, look forward"
Sarah's head bobbed, wiping her tears away. Iris starts her bike, deciding to ride to calm herself. Sarah clung to her a small smile on her lips, she secretly thanked Iris for her words. She understood her pain, Iris was the first person she had admitted to the loss of her son to.
They got to the gates, Sarah taking off her helmet and flashing her ID to the man.she got them checked in, her tear stained makeup was fixed as they let her in. They waisted no time walking to Justice North's office, Sarah looked around curious to what was going on while Iris looked straight ahead, her large sunglasses over her eyes and a match hung between her lips.
"Welcome" a tall species male smiled to them carefully hiding his fangs, Sarah grinned back. A uniformed man stood behind justice glaring at Iris and Sarah.
"Ohhh Timothy!" Sarah giggles her fingers touching as she smiles. Iris tilted down her glasses to get a good look at the man that had pointed a gun at her only friend.
"So nice to see you without a gun in your hands!" Sarah chirps, Justice shoots Tim a curious look. Tim keeps his eyes locked on Sarah, his lips pulled into a deep frown.
"Now, let's get down to business!" Sarah smiles, taking a seat across from justices desk.

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