47. The Wild (Alone)

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Sitting in Connor's office had become something that I'd grown used to in the weeks before the Hunt. Now I was back, sitting in my usual chair and defying each and every rule that he chose to make. His hands were folded as he cleared his throat.

"Would you like to explain your concerns?" he spoke.

He probably already knew them, but just for the sake of it, I decided to kindly remind him.

"Why am I still here?" I barked. "What could you possibly want with us now? We did exactly what you'd asked, Connor, and none of us have gotten the one thing that you promised we'd have! Which leads to my final concern: where the hell is my prize? Where is my sister?"

He was silent for a few moments as if he was letting it all sink in. His silence was so deceiving. Any other person would have thought that he lacked the answers, but that was not the case.

"You have, in fact, not completed the task at hand," he finally said.

"That is not our fault!" I indicted. "It was your decision to bring us back early, just encase you're unaware."

Leaning forward, he said gently, "The answers to any questions that you many have will all be revealed in time. Patience is a virtue –"

I raised my hand in attempt to silence him following my dramatic eye roll. Connor Theiry thought himself to be so professional, but all I could see was a wall of power surrounding the weak man.

Closing my eyes, I whispered, "I just wanted my sister back. Was that too much?"

He proceeded to elaborate, "You were given twelve days, Anastasia. You completed eight. I assured that your sister would be waiting for you when you returned after the end of the twelve days. Alas, you only completed –"

"Then send me back!"

I threw my hand over my mouth at the sound of my own words. Connor was stunned for the very same reason. I almost stopped myself from clearing my throat and lowering my hand to repeat my previous request.

"Send me back."

"Miss Scott..."

"If I do this, if I go back out there and get the three items, will you bring my sister back to me? Don't lie to me, Connor. I've had enough," I told him. I waited for what felt like a century for his response.

Rising from his desk, he looked down to me, his face softening.

"It will be nearly impossible to perform alone," he said.

I didn't care.

"Will I get my sister back?" I said quietly.

Connor turned from me and circled around his desk. Then, holding out his hand, he spoke softly, "You have three days, Miss Scott."

I was permitted ten minutes to gather my supplies and say goodbye to Lillian.

"But I just got you back, Annie!" she argued, her point being very valid.

"I know," I told her, pulling her close to me. "I'm doing this for you, and Ashley, and Sebastian, and even Kathryn. I'm doing this to ensure that no one else is going to get hurt. You'll be okay, kid. I promise you that."

She forced a tiny smile for me.

"Luke will keep you safe," I said. "But you have to be stronger than ever, okay?"

Clinging to me like lifeline, she nodded. "I love you, Annie," she whispered.

I pulled away to look up at her. Her beautiful blue eyes seemed brighter, regardless of the tears causing them to glisten like the morning dew. Leaving her behind was almost as hard as watching her die. So I reached up and unclasped the locket from around my neck.

Lillian gasped, "Annie, what are you –?"

I slid the chain around Lillian's skin and waited for her fingers to trail up to the locket. She ran her fingers over every detail, even the legendary dent. My scar was fully visible for the first time in months, but she didn't notice.

"It's kept me going this whole time," I said. "It will do the same for you. You and I, we're sisters now."

I could hear the guards approaching from behind to lead me back to the starting point. Lillian began screaming my name when one of the guards attempted to seize my arm. I shook them off of me and snapped, "This is my choice."

I walked forward with the guards, sweat trailing down my forehead. I tried my very hardest to tune out the sound of Lillian's cries from behind me. Her sobs were almost deafening. Taking deep breaths, I kept moving, until I heard it.


It was Sebastian's voice.

Spinning around, I found him exiting one of the rooms in my corridor. In fact, it was only three doors down. All that time, he'd been so close. He stood in the center of the hallway, staring at me without saying anything.

By then, one of the guards had been assigned to take Lillian back to her brother before she made herself sick over the choice I'd made. But Sebastian was walking toward me and swept me into his arms before running his lips lightly over mine.

"What are you doing?" he asked, feeling the bag of supplies on my shoulders.

My eyes wide, I said, "I'm going to finish it, Sebastian. For Ashley. For us..."

"You can't," he said, angered and a bit confused. "It's too dangerous. I won't let you go."

Why? It's not like I'm going to die...

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

He paused for moment, which was rare.

"Then I'm going with you," he declared.

My heart sunk. Lifting myself onto my toes, I pressed my lips to his feverishly with both passion and regret. I held onto the feeling as one more reason to come back. Finally pulling away, I gave Sebastian a sympathetic smile and mouthed the words, I love you.

Before he could say anything, I walked away from him just as I did Lillian. This time, I did not look back. I could not look back.

Luke was waiting at the starting point. The walls had already been opened toward the mountains, and it was already beginning to seem lonely. Reaching into my bag, I took the vile of resurrection serum from the side pocket and dropped it into Luke's hands.

"I won't need this anymore," I said, giving a light smile.

Three days, three items. I was stronger, and I could do this. I could get my sister back.

I started running just before sprouting my wings to carry me away.


It wasn't until I reached the area of the woods that I chose to set up camp that I realized my dilemma. The tenth and the eleventh item consisted of these: Selene's Fire and Pandora's Box. Both involved Greek Mythology.

Both were at the beginning of time.

I was sitting upright on my sheet, staring down at the list in utter frustration.

It would've been nice to bring an ally, wouldn't it, Annie? You idiot.

Connor had been right. It was going to be nearly impossible for one reason: I needed Isaiah. Then I heard leaves crunching on the ground behind me. Drawing my weapon, I spun around and bared it.

"Who's there?" I called.

No answer. Maybe it had been the wind.

"Are you Anastasia?" a light voice chimed in. A girl with coal black hair and fair skin was slowly revealing herself from behind the trunk of a tree. I watched her in both awe and confusion for the reason that I was not alone.

"Yes," I said.

"Good," she smiled. "Because I've been waiting for you."


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