Rich Girls

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How was i supposed to know it was gunna end like this. When you're 17 it's bloody hard to imagine you'll be married and have kids and be the one of worlds biggest super stars by age 24. I just thought I was gunna be a small town girl who led a normal life and settled down in her 30s living in a small house in the village- that was until I met Harry.

It was the 31st October all this crazy stuff started. My best friend Georgie was having a Halloween bash up in London. Georgie was mega rich! after her dad shot to fame 2 years prior to today, they moved away and hazzar there she was partying with celebs and going to movie premiers snuggling up to her boyfriend. Not just your average boyfriend tho, it was Niall Horan! I tried not to be jealous but common this guy was a member of the worlds biggest boy band and best friend with Harry Styles (who may or may not be my huge celebrity crush). It just so happens the boy in question was attending that party and so was I.

I was sat on Georgie king sized bed flicking through my twitter. The drive up was awful and I arrived 4 hours late for dinner, luckily Georgie was the understanding type of girl who didn't really give two shits about anything. That is what I love about her, we are so alike and we've been best friend since secondary. We lived for the whole 'us against the world' motto and it kinda was like that. We were the unpopular ones that everyone kinda loved but hated and was scared of. That makes no sense I know but it was like that and the money and fame didn't change her.

'Frankie Hun' Georgie called from the walk in wardrobe. I walk over and peered round the door to see her engulfed in a pile of clothes. 'Whatcha wearin?' She questioned and frown buried deep in her forehead. ' I got this amazing vintage PVC catsuit from the boutique in town! I'm going as a cat If you hadn't already guessed' Georgie let out a laugh and threw a pile of fabric at me ' you and your bloody vintage crap! Something's never change' she giggled. I picked her up off the floor and we sat on the sofa and watched the tv for a while before we started getting ready. I curled and back combed my hair and put tones of black make up over my pale skin 'jesus I look scary!' I whispered under my breath

'Thats the point dumbass' Georgie shouted from inside the bathroom coming out from behind the door and shoving me over to get to the mirror. Georgie was always stronger than me so in a fight I was more lets say... Vocal. It took 4 of us to get me into my cat suit and after much giggling, swearing and pulling I was finally ready. I slipped on my heels and pushed the little ears into my hair "lookin good for a pussy" Georgie laughs. I nearly spit my water everywhere at the comment but managed to swallow it quickly this bought me time to think of a witty come back. I scan her werwolf costume "being a hairy bitch suits you to!" I giggle before running out of the room and onto the huge red velvet stair case. Everything was draped In cobwebs and pumpkins were placed in clusters in dark corners. The candy table was massive! Sweets from all over the world and toffee apples hanging from candelabras. It was slightly over whelming. I mean the amount of money spent was ridiculous for just one night however for me it would turn out to be the most important night of my life. Guests started arriving I soon lost Georgie in the vast crowd of people- despite there being sooooo many people she knew all of them and was mingling and French kissing everyone. I went to the huge sofa at the back of the ballroom we were in and slumped into the big pillows. To be honest I hate parties, I always have but I didn't want to let Georgie down and we don't see each other as much as we'd like too. My head jolted up from my phone when I heard an excited screech come from the entrance. "NIALL BABY YOU MADE IT!!". Georgie. My head dropped back down to my phone before I heard my name amongst Georgie's loud chit chat. "Niall there's someone I want you and Harry to meet" Harry as in Harry Styles!

"Oh Crap" I whispered under my breath.

"Oh look there she is! Fraaaaankiiieeee hun meet Niall!" I look up and beam at the blonde Irish boy but my gaze was averted to the curly haired boy stood behind him. My palms started to sweat as I realised who it was. Shit it's Harry. I was snapped quickly out of my trance by Georgie's booming voice.

"Frankie over here! Wake up." I shuddered and shot her a dirty look. "This is Harry, he doesn't really like parties either. Maybe you to should be weird together and sit and be boring"

"Hey" I stood up and realised the height difference between us.

"Hey" he spoke awkwardly.

"Bloody hell we'll leave you to it" Georgie scowled before strutting away with Niall tight by her side. I dropped my head and giggled. Harry seemed a bit more relaxed away from Niall and standing away from the crowd. He grabbed my hand causing my head to bolt up. "Common lets get out of here I know a quiet bar just round the corner" he said through laughter. I Nodded before squeezing his hand and swiftly following him through the people and straight out the door. We ran down the road giggling before we stopped by the river to catch our breath. He slumped down on the bench in front of me offering his hand beckoning me to sit next to him. I sat turned to face him. His eyes weren't exactly focused on my face. He was 'unintentionally' staring at by boobs that were 'unintentionally' too big for my catsuit so had to be pushed up. "Harry I'm up here" I giggled placing my hand on his chin and lifting it slightly. "S-s-sorry" he stuttered; voice thick with a deep accent. "Nice -umm, out fit yeah outfit!" He gushed with over exaggeration. I burst out laughing throwing my head back. "Thanks" I laughed. Harry and I were both now in fit of giggles causing quite a few trick or treaters to look over. He was dressed as a vampire but even with thick make up on he looked gorgeous. His shirt was tight fit and the buttons were only fastened three quartets of the way up. The moon reflected off his tanned skin only emphasising the toned muscles. We sat in silence for a while before he spoke. "How old are you?" He asked quietly

"17 the same as Georgie" I replied as quietly as he did not wanting to break the moment between us. "Have you got a girl friend" I asked. He shook his head

"Do you?" He asked back

"Just been dumped" I chortled. He squeezed my hand. What am I doing! This is Harry Styles and I'm say by the river sharing a slightly romantic moment. This happens in movies. *Just go with it and don't be stupid, don't do anything you'll regret.* I was brought back from my thoughts when a soft warm kiss was placed on my lips. I panicked but it felt so good. So I kissed back.

I felt his hand slid down my back to rest on my hip. I moved my hand to his neck and tangled my fingers in her curls. This never happens in real life I must be dreaming oh my god common Frankie pull yourself together he's 5 years older than you and your boyfriend dumped you yesterday. My head was swirling and I felt my self go weak in his strong arms I'm about to pass out. Bloody hell not now not now not now. My heavy head dropped to his shoulder and my eyes drooped shut. I felt like I was spinning. I could hear a voice trying to coax me into to consciousness but I open my eyes and let out a very unattractive groan. Harry shook me gently as I rolled my head round he laughed as I started at him with a confused look on my face. " I am so sorry Harry" I mumbled

"Don't worry about it" he chuckled

"This all just happened so quickly. I got dumped yesterday, had a 7 hour drive up today and now I'm kissing a really hot guy In a PVC catsuit that's two sizes two small!" I gushed causing both of us to burst out laughing. He pulled me into a warm hug before standing up and offering his hand for me. We walked back hand in hand but in silence both of us had a million thoughts running rings round our minds and it wasn't till we got back to Georgie's he spoke to me. "Tonight was fun, I'm staying round Georgie's tonight maybe we could have lunch tomorrow?" He almost whispered. I kissed his cheek "I'd love to Harry, see you tomorrow" I slowly let go of his hand and made my way up the velvet stair case to Georgie's room.

I un-zipped the front of my suit and peeled back the sticky plastic material. I stood drifting away in my own thoughts in my under wear for what seemed like 10 minutes before I snapped out of my trance. I giggled to my self and the situation I was in before I jumped in the shower. I let the warm water wash over my skin and run through my gingery brown hair I washed the soap of a took what was left of my make up off and climbed out. I opened the door to find a very drunk Georgie sprawled out on the bed with Niall trying to get her to go to sleep. "Awr god I'm real sorry Frankie I didn't know you were in here. I-I'll go if you like" he spluttered obviously as shocked as I was to the fact I was almost stark naked in front of him. "Oh umm yeah it's fine I can sort her out, umm well sleep well I guess" I gushed back nervously. Niall gave me a good luck nod and a nervous smile before scurrying out the door. "Bloody well done Francesca" I hissed under my breath. I quickly changed into my pyjamas before settling down on the spare bed put up in her room. Georgie was fast asleep whisper dirty stuff about Niall. I chuckled and closed my eyes.

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