It's not all over

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We'd been sat on the floor now for what seems like an hour, Harry still isn't back with Niall. Common Prince Charming this princess needs rescuing. Oh god I really need to stop saying this kinda crap I'm starting to scare myself. Georgie is still sobbing into my t-shirt I'm surrounded by her family who, like me are desperately trying to stop the constant flow of tears. " Georgie pull yourself together and tell me what's going on!" I blurted almost angry with the fact she's probably over reacting. "You bitch!" She gasped obviously shocked by my 'no shit' approach to this situation. "Tell me!" I almost shouted shaking her slightly. It was working. Hala-bloody-Luya! "I saw this magazine article well more than just one that Niall was cheating with Ellie Golding when I told him he told me it was bullshit and he got angry cos he thought I didn't trust him" inside I was screaming. I've just wasted 3 hours of my life I will never get back on some lovers tiff. Mary-Jesus and Joseph how pathetic! "Aww Georgie Hun that's crap , Harry's gone to get him they'll be back soon Hun this is one you just need to ride out together. *kill me now* I squeezed her hands and gave her a pathetic 'it's fine' smile before turning to see Harry and a crying Niall standing in the doorway. Angels are singing in my head again Prince Charming is back looking more saint like than ever. The sun beams behind him reflect on his body and the wind ripples his curls am In heaven? Argh god Francesca have a virtual punch in the face you wet one. I want to run up to Harry and throw my arms around him and make us disappear back into our dream world however I don't think it's appropriate right now. "Hey" I almost whispered as Harry walked over to us. Georgie is crying. AGAIN. Niall falls to his knees in front of her. "Princess I love ya and I'm never gunna shout at ya again I'm so sorry princess" Niall pulls her into his arms and they speak tacky words of love before Georgie pulls him to her room for what will probably be heated make out sex. Please someone kill me before I puke up my pie on the carpet. Argh. I fall back on the steps that Georgie once occupied and Harry joined me resting his head on my shoulder. "I have a head ache" Harry groans into his hands. "Argh me to" I grumbled "I think that was the most stressful thing I've ever had to deal with" rubbing my hand over my face and pulling my hair into a messy ponytail. " I would have a kip however our best friends are currently making out in my room" Harry chuckled "you're welcome to come to my room" he offers with a hopeful tone in his voice "ah if you don't mind that would be amazing you're welcome to join me. It kinda is your room" he took my out stretched hand as an offering to help him and he followed behind me to the room he shared with Niall. It was a tip and the bed wasn't made but my head hurt so much a could have slept anywhere. I took off my coat, shoes and cardigan before crawling painfully onto the bed. Harry followed. He laid his perfect curls into the pillow next to mine and closed his green eyes. He looked so peaceful; his chest rising and falling under his shirt. All I wanted to do was snuggle into him and let him hold me forever. I slowly closed my heavy eyes and relaxed into the bed, it felt so good and my light slumber quickly turned into a deep sleep. Dreams of Harry were laced with dreams of him as Prince Charming and thoughts of his kiss and his touch. The next thing I knew was being woken softly by Harry whispering my name. I opened my eyes to see a smile Harry sat up beside me. "Did you sleep well, I didn't want to wake you but suppers ready" I blink harshly a couple of time to bring myself fully round. "Argh yeah I slept really well thanks this bed is really comfy compared to mine" I wiped my eyes before turning to the clock. Jeeez it's 7 already I've been asleep for 4 hours. Oh god how longs Harry been awake! How long has he been watching me. I think he could detect my whizzing thoughts "I've only just woken up myself I probably wouldn't have done if Clare didn't wake me" his tone was put on to try to calm me. We slowly got up and headed down towards the dining hall. I was still groggy with sleep and was still dreaming of Harry when my sub conscious thoughts were broken by Georgie's dad. "Harry have you heard this girl sing she's fab!" He booms across the room from his seat at the piano. I fumble with the end of my fabric belt trying to hide my embarrassment. Harry's head instantly perked. "No I haven't, Frankie you didn't tell me you could sing" his tone was inquisitive. "Well it's something I used to do a while back I was in a band I kinda don't have time anymore I guess" I mumbled my words not really wanting to have this convosation right now especially across the diner table. "It's a long story I'll explain another time" I gave Harry a half hearted fake smile and he seemed to pick up on the fact I was uncomfortable with the situation. Ah yay Georgie and Niall are here. Please change to convosation please change it. "Hey guys Clare said you and Harry are already sleeping together?!" Not this convosation pick again. Me and Harry shifted in our seats a little before Harry awkward piped up in my defence. "Frankie and I had a head ache from dealing with your lovers tiff, we were tired to we slept."

"I would have been in my own room if you two weren't making it up to each other" I scowled. I tried desperately tired to hide this shock on my face as Harry's rough hand slid onto my thigh. Sparks shot through my body and I could feel my cheeks start to burn up. I tipped my head down to the bread in front of me and placed one of my hands on top of Harry's that was still pressed on my leg. My sudden change in persona didn't go unnoticed by Georgie who nudged Niall and shook her head in my direction. I was miles away from the fact our behaviour was attracting attention from nearly everyone In the room. Yet again a kiss was lingering between me and Harry who was slowly moving his hand up my thigh. We jolted back to reality when Georgie's dad got awkward and called for supper to be delivered. Our faces burned red causing sniggers to erupt around the room. Plates of elegant food were hastily placed in front of us and we all ate in silence before people began to drift away back to one of the many rooms. Georgie and Niall had one last parting kiss before Georgie practically wrestled me into our room. She slammed the door before running into the middle of the room spinning and jumping and screaming. "Woah woah calm it sweetie what's got you like this" I shouted clambering onto her huge bed and putting all me weight onto my elbows. "Sex duh! And the fact that you and Harry are literally gunna shag each other like now." She did a running dive onto the bed knocking me back “the sexual tention between you two is hwwwat! I literally thought you were gonna make out in the dining room“ I let out a booming laugh “we fell asleep next to each other that was it!“ my defensive tone made Georgie laugh

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