The Surprise

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Sorry it's a quite a short chapter. Hope you enjoy!! 


Chapter 2- I opened my heavy eyes and stared at the ceiling. I was groggy from lack of sleep. Harry didn't leave my mind I could still taste him on my lips. This is crazy. I bloody met the guy and snogged him in the same night and now we're having 'lunch' holy shit. I lifted my head off the pillow the room was messy with clothes and make up sprawled across the carpet. "Jeeezze my head" Georgie groans sitting up from under the huge duvet. " mornin' gorgeous" I chortle 

"Fuck off Smith" Georgie moans whilst lobbing soft cushions at me. I giggle and bat them away before jumping out for the loo and falling flat on my face "HAHA KARMA YOU LITTLE SHIT" Georgie laughed whilst intently watching me from her huge bed. I was washing my hands in the gold veneer basin letting the floral soap slid off my finger tips "Frankie where were you last night?" And peaked round the door with a beam on my face "weeeelll, I may or may not have spent my evening with Harry" I mumbled quickly hoping she wouldn't hear me. She did. She bounded off the bed, grabbed me and launched me into the duvet. "Fess up Fanny Anne I wanna know everything!!". 

"There's not a lot to say really..."

"LIES THATS ALL LIES" she blurted cutting me off before I could continue.

"Ok ok we didn't really like the party no offence so he said he wanted to take me to this cute diner around the corner" I paused "we never made it to the diner...."

"Did you shag him" Georgie burst out

"NO! I mean no but we might have shared a heated kiss and I might have passed out in his arms" Georgie erupted falling back onto the soft bed. A cheeks burst out In a deep scarlet colour. "I think that is the funniest shiz I have ever heard Frankie you utter legend only you could do something like that"

I pulled my thick winter jumper over my sports bra and opened the door inhaling the smell of breakfast. The carpet felt soft under my bare feet but I was in shock when I got to the stair case. Utter carnage. I stood not knowing what to do. I carefully stepped around the glass and shattered pumpkins and avoid pile of litter and sick. Georgie follow a little after and she was soon woken up from her hangover by the site of the trashed house. "Holy shit! Dad is gunna kill me" I giggle slightly under my breath and walked into the dining room. "Ahh Frankie mornin' sweet!" Georgie dad boomed from inside the grand room I waved and gave a tried smile before I took a seat next to Kayleigh (her step sister). I grabbed a huge muffin from one of the many plates of food and proceeded to stuff my face. That was until I saw Harry peep his head round the door. My stomach flipped and I nearly threw up the cake in my mouth. He looked stunning. 

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