Sir. Eddy Reider

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This chapter is all from Harry and Eddy's perspective it's kind of a break from the main story- sorry if it's confusing! xx

We found our selves on the busy Piccadilly stretch and I was scanning for the nearest coffee chain but Eddy had other ideas "follow me son" he nodded his head in the direction of one of the alley ways adjacent to us. He led my across the busy street where another and larger group of girls bombarded me and Eddy. He stood to the side chuckling at how I had to change my whole persona with fans. Once I had scrawled countless signatures and posed for around 30 photographs I was free to carry on with my life. "Quite a hit with the ladies I see young man" Eddy chortled playfully nudging my shoulder. "God I wish I wasn't! You know it would be nice to wake up and be able to have a day where I was just any other member of the public!" I dramatically threw my arms in the air letting out a sigh. "We're here" we entered a small and cosy cafe the walls were decorated with old posters and news paper articles on musical triumphs and falls. I wasn't surprised to see my teenage zit covered face along side the others boys under the 'epic fail' section. I winched slightly as some recognised me and scoured at old sun bleached walls as a subtle indication I was not really welcome. A burly blond with huge hair and a curvy frame waltzed over behind the bar leaning froward to show her large chest under her waitress uniform. "Well if it isn't sir. Ed! And who do we have here?" She purred pointing a slender finger in my direction "well hey there 'ansom" her voice was thick and twangy with her Southern American roots. Eddy slowly hauled himself up onto the high bar stool indicating I took the one next to him. "Marilyn this is Harry" her face lit up "owh I knows who y'ar! Y'all

purdy little face has been plastered on ma wall many a time!" She tousled her brassy hair with her fingers. "Nice to meet you Marilyn; seems like my music wasn't well enjoyed by you" I chuckled running my hand through my curls. "Owh I don't put these things up darlin' you seem like a nice enough guy it's just Charlie who owns this place well his root are somewhere else, he's more of a rock n' roll kinda guy"

"To be honest so am I but of corse I'm great full for the opportunities I've been given I guess" I slid my coat off and hooked it over the back of my stool. Marilyn turned her attention to Eddy. "SOOO sir. Ed how's life in your world?" Eddy shuffled in his chair and looked down at the floor I rubbed his back and gently shook his shoulder. Marilyn shot me a worried look "Eddy?" Her tone was high and inquisitive but reassuring. "Linda she died last week" he slowly lifted his head and met Marilyn's gaze "aw Eddy I'm sorry look you boys what can I get you drinks on the house! Harry?"

"Just a diet coke please" I smiled and she spun on her toes to face the fridge and grab a bottle. He poured the contents into a tall glass before sliding it across the counter to me "usual ed?" He nodded and Marilyn pulled his pint and placed it in front of him "so Harry how'd you meet old Eddy here?" She rubbed his hand before he downed nearly half his drink. "I was on the tube after one of the shittest days of my life and Eddy showed my that compared to him my life isn't all that bad and for that I've have the greatest of respects for him" she gave my hand a squeeze "Harry it's ok you can talk about your girl" Ed turned to me and smiled "oh so you have a gurl well must say I ain't surprised 'ansom boy like you" her tone perked "she's called Frankie and I guess she's not my girl, I mean I'd like her to be but she lives 300 miles away and is 5 years younger than me"

"Kid you listen to me! Age ain't nothin niethers distance if there's love there's always hope ain't that right Ed?" He nodded in agreement "my Linda was 7 years younger than me and I met her when I was on tour in Vagas thats a heck of a lot more miles than 300 my boy!" Eddy's tone became brighter as he started telling old stories about him and his wife. Him and Marilyn were laughing and smiling and I found my self crying with laughter. Before we knew it was nearly 9 o'clock. I jumped from my stool "well I guess I better be going- lovely to meet you both" I shook Eddy's hand and hugged Marilyn before grabbing my coat and bag and walking to the door. "It's been a pleasure young man" Eddy beamed

"Sure has" Marilyn agreed. I turned to the door before Marilyn's dulcet tone stopped me "oh and Harry don't become a stranger- you're always welcome here and I'm always here for a chat" she smiled and waved as I headed down the pavement towards my flat. I was soon back at my apartment and I ascended the metal staircase and reach my front door which I unlock and threw my bag down. I sighed and slumped onto my worn Leather sofa. I drifted into a deep slumber on the sofa and that was where I woke.


Eddy's POV

"He's a good kid Eddy" Marilyn smiled as she took the empty glasses and wiped the work surface. The smile on her voice dropped "Eddy why didn't you tell me bout Linda and what are you doing just jumpin in tube and gettin ya self lost!" Her tone was stern but I knew it was just cos she wanted to protect me. "Harry's the first person who's not family I've told Mari" her gaze was still Icy "an the crap bout gettin on the tube to go nowhere?"

"Mari I don't know I've just lost my soul mate I've been with for 60 odd years getting on the tube to go nowhere is the least of your worries!" My tone was sharper "where ya sleepin then"

"At home, where else"

"Eddy it's freezin out there and look whatcha wearin' Eddy we're gettin old you can't take on the world like ya used to anymore"

"Marilyn you can't tell me what I can and I can't do- I'm making my own way home!" I slumped from my stood and stormed out into the street. I could her Marilyn shouting after me but I kept walking pushing towards the tube station. It was another hour or so till I'd be home I live in Greenwich which is practically the other side of London. I cursed as I tried to catch my breath. However much I hated the thought Marilyn was right I am getting old and it wouldn't surprise me if I didn't see the year through. I felt dizzy it was like the carriage was spinning and the ground was caving in. The carriage was empty so there was no one to help me and I felt my self slip from consciousness and hit the hard ground.


The sound of beeping and the glare of white lights woke me. I opened my heavy eyes and looked around. I'm In hospital. Argh shit Mari's going to make me sorry I ever contradicted her. A young nurse rushed to my side. She had childlike features and short choppy ginger hair " Good Morning Sir. Don't be alarmed you were brought into hospital after you were found collapsed in the tube" her small voice gave me a clear indication as to why I was here. She hurried away and returned with a doctor. A tall man with a dark comb over and a long white coat. "good morning sir I'm sure Katie here has told you the grounds of your admission here but I'm here to tell you the cause- sir I highly suspect you had a heart attack last night" his words winded me, what was I to tell Marilyn "is there anyone we can call sir? A family member or close friend?" I shook my head. All my family moved away to various parts of the world and you could bye your god damn life I wasn't calling Marilyn. "Well sir I'm afraid we're going to keep you hear for a while to monitor your progress in the mean time Miss. Langard here will tend to your needs. Do you have any question?" I shook my head again. I had no words to say In this situation. I'm in complete and utter shock. The nurse took my details and recorded my blood pressure and pulse on the small sheet at the end of my bed. "You are scedualed to stay for another 3 nights considering you have no one we can call and you're 83"

"Can you just tell me how long they think I have left to live" there was a long pause "4 months sir" her words came as no surprise to me I knew last night I had little to no time left I just thank god I met Harry.

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