Chapter 16

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Dave knew that they couldn’t continue to run forever. They had to come down and face their problem. If they don’t solve it now, it will never leave them alone. Dave put the horse to a halt as they approached an abandoned hut.
“Dave, what are you doing?” Sakira asked in fear as she came down from the horse.
“We have to face them” he said. “If we continue running, they would catch us and kill us”
he added.
He patted the horse and it ran away.
“Dave, they’ll kill us if we stop now. Let’s just keep going, they won’t catch us” she said as tears fell from her eyes.
He pulled her into a hug and caressed her back.
“Kira…I love you and I want nothing more than for you to return home. I’m going to make sure that happens, even if it’s the last thing I get to do” he said.
Sakira didn’t like the way he spoke. She wasn’t going to lose him, he will not die. He held her hand and they entered into the abandoned hut. They sat on the floor and waited. Dave
sorted his guns and gave Sakira one.
“You’ll need this” he said as he handed the gun to her.
She took it and held it firmly. It was heavy in her hand and she could feel the power behind it. After few minutes, they began to hear horses approaching. Sakira held her breath as she heard the horses ride away. Dave maintained a stiff position and hoped they didn’t stop.
Silence was the only thing that spoke in their midst and they looked at each other not sure if they should risk going outside. Dave took the great step and came out of the hut. He realized that the coast was clear and a smile found its way on his face. He called Sakira out and took
her hand. Dave grunted as he felt something hard it his head, he lost his grip on Sakira’s hand and fell to the floor. Mr. Benson’s men held Sakira and she tried to free herself from them.
Mr. Benson clapped as he came out from the bush. Dave noticed Mark and a few men return on their horses. They’ve been tricked.
“Sakira, it’s so good to see you again” he said as he walked up to her and she spat on his face.
With disgust, he wiped it off and held her face hard. “I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget even after you die” he said wickedly.
“Don’t you dare touch her” Dave was about to get up when he was hit on his back again and he fell to the floor.
“I’m surprised you were able to go this far Sakira, in fact, you impress me.” Mr. Benson confessed.
Sakira tried to hide the fear in her eyes but it failed.
“I’m going to make sure I make you suffer and first I’ll make you watch Dave die” Mr. Benson whispered.
Sakira couldn’t help it. She burst into tears.
“No please don’t hurt Dave” she cried.
“Tie them up” Mr. Benson said not paying attention to her.
Dave grunted and tried to wriggle out of their hold but they beat him until he couldn’t move a muscle. Sakira watched and cried, she wanted to do something, but she couldn’t do anything. It hurts so much to see someone you love to get hurt in front of you and for one moment, she wished she had accepted his proposal. He risked his life for her, he could die for her and why couldn’t she just have accepted a simple request from him. She cried as she watched them beat him. His face was filled with wounds and blood was around his mouth.
Finally, they tied him to a tree. He was looking weak and almost lifeless.
“Dave, I’m so sorry” she cried.
He gave her a weak smile. “I love you Kira” he said.
Mr. Benson waved a knife in front of Sakira and slowly he walked to Dave. She was shaking her head as fear rose in her.
“No please, don’t kill him. Please don’t” she cried
Mr. Benson laughed as the enjoyed his moment. He dropped the knife and faced Sakira.
She sighed when she noticed he left Dave.
“No please, don’t touch her” Dave managed to say. “Don’t do anything to Kira” he cried.
“Hurt me, kill me but please let her go home. She just wants to go home” he cried
Sakira cried and she wondered how someone was able to understand every bit of her. It was then she understood the meaning of love. It wasn’t a mere saying, it was an act. To love was what Dave showed. He was ready to die for her. He was ready to do anything just to make sure she gets home. He truly loved her. Mark watched as his father slapped Dave and punched him continuously. He looked at Sakira who was begging and crying. He felt pity for them and for the first time in his life, he had compassion. He didn’t want this anymore; he wanted his father to stop. But how would he do that? He had been on his father’s side since
they started. How would he fight his father? Then, he knew just what to do.
Mark shot one of the slave catchers and that caused his father to make a swift turn toward him. He was flabbergasted by the act his son just portrayed.
“Mark…what are you doing?” he father looked shocked
“I want you to stop father” he said.
Sakira looked at Mark and wondered if it was truly the same Mark. Mr. Benson couldn’t believe his eyes. His own son was against him. His son has betrayed him. Without further
thoughts, Mark shot another of Mr. Benson’s men. The men were ready to attack Mark but Mr. Benson would not allow them.
“Don’t shoot him” he shouted at them.
He may be against him but he still remains his first child, his first son. Mark shot another one and this time the men were getting agitated.
“I said don’t shoot!” Mr. Benson shouted. “Mark, come to your senses, what has gotten into you” Mr. Benson shouted at his son.
“You father, you’ve gotten into me” he said as he pointed the gun at his father.
Mr. Benson stiffened and lifted his chin. “You won’t kill your own father, would you?” Mr. Benson threatened.
“Believe me I can” he said as he walked closer to him.
“Move Father” he said.
Mr. Benson obeyed quickly and left Dave’s front. Mark took his knife and cut Dave’s rope.
Dave looked at Mark and wondered what could have made him change suddenly.
In few seconds, Mark shrieked and his rifle dropped. Mr. Benson’s eyes widened as he saw his son drop to the floor.
“I told you not to shoot!” Mr. Benson shouted angrily.
He rushed to his son and felt bitter. He has lost his son.
Dave used their distraction as an opportunity to shoot one of Mr. Benson’s men and they
began to shoot. Sakira was still tied to the tree and she tried to free herself before any bullet
could meet her. Dave was behind a tree as he dodged bullets from the opponents. They shot and he shot back quickly. Sakira tried to wriggle herself from the tree but it was futile

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