Chapter 17

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Mr. Benson approached Sakira and untied her. He placed her around him and had a knife on her neck.
“Dave, I’ve got Sakira, come out now” Mr. Benson said.
Fear rose in Dave as he came out from behind the tree. Slowly, he dropped the rifle in front of him and lifted his hands. Sakira heard the rifles being snapped from behind her, she knew
they were going to kill Dave. Without thinking, she bit Mr. Benson’s hand and the knife dropped. She picked it quickly and set it into Mr. Benson’s stomach. Dave picked his up his
rifle quickly but he was not fast enough, one of them shot him on his arm and he winced in pain. Sakira took Mr. Benson’s rifle and shot one of them. Now, Mr. Benson was almost dead and only three of the men were left. They took cover behind the tree and Sakira did the same.
She looked out for Dave and hoped he was okay. She touched her neck and noticed it was a little bruised. She came out from her hiding and got one in the head. One down, two to go.
Dave came out from his hiding and shot one. One more left. Together, Sakira and Dave came out and tackled the last guy. Finally, Dave shot him. They gave a sigh of relief and dropped their guns. Sakira smiled at Dave and hugged him. At last, everyone was dead. Well almost everyone. Dave noticed Mr. Benson as he lifted the rifle to shoot Sakira. Swiftly he turned around and the bullet met him instead. He jerked forward and gave a smile to Sakira beforefalling to the ground.
“No!!!” she cried.
She picked up her gun and walked to Mr. Benson. Covered with rage, she shot him several times until she was sure he was dead. She returned to Dave and cried. She couldn’t lose him, he can’t die.
“No please don’t die” she cried. “David please don’t leave me” she sobbed.
He smiled and caressed her cheek.
“No, I won’t lose you. I won’t let you die.” She assured.
With the little strength she had, she lifted him on one of the horses and rode back to the village they left. She turned back occasionally to see if he was still breathing. He was losing
blood and he was looking pale.
“Oh God, please don’t let Dave die” she cried as she rode faster.
Finally, she arrived at the village and the villagers approached her.
“Please help me” she cried. “He’s dying.”
The villagers led her to a small building and a white woman came out from it. She took Dave inside and called two young men into the building. Sakira waited outside and continued praying. She didn’t want to lose Dave. She cried as she continued to pace around.
After an hour, the white lady came out with a neutral face. Sakira noticed blood stains on her apron.
“Where’s Dave?” Sakira cried
The white lady gave a small smile. “He’ll be alright. He survived. The bullet met his
scapula. So, he is lucky. I also saw another in his arm but I’ve stopped the bleeding and given him the necessary medications.” She said.
Sakira covered her mouth and cried heavily. Oh God thank you. She thought. The white lady hugged her and relieved her.

Four Days Later.

It was the fourth day since Sakira returned to the maroon village. They mourned Tikka and the brothers they had lost. Sakira was waiting. Julia, the nurse, had already told her that Dave
would be fine but he had been unconscious for days now but he was breathing. She would sit
by his side, hold his hand and kiss it. She wished for him to wake up quickly so they would go home. The bad guys were dead now. She wanted him to wake up so they could go return to where they wouldn’t have anything to worry about.
Later that evening, Sakira took a bowl of water into the room to clean Dave’s body. She had been cleaning him since they got here. She cleaned his face and examined all the wound
marks that Mr. Benson had caused. She entered and was stunned to see he was sitting up. A smile encroached on her face and she hurried to him and hugged him. He winced in pain but he didn’t let her go. She cried as she realized that he had finally woken up.
“Shh, it’s okay I’m here” he said and caressed her face
“Oh, thank you for not dying on me.” she said as she pulled away.
“I promised you, I would never leave you or let anyone hurt you” he smiled
She studied his face and did the next thing that came into her mind. She kissed him and he kissed her softly. This was her place, her own world, her own happiness. Her own man. He broke the kiss and hugged her again. She cleaned him and made sure he had something to eat.
As days passed, she took care of him and made sure he was getting his regular treatment.
Her light was once again rekindled.
Dave realized he had lost everything they would need to get back to Africa and he wondered how he would refund them. He gained strength gradually and could stand up now.
Sakira refused to let him but he insisted. He got out from the building and welcomed the light from the sun. He was full of energy now, although he was not completely healed. Dave
grasped that he left the documents in the forest as they tried to hide from Mr. Benson.
Dave spoke to Julia and told her his situation. Tikka would have been the best person to talk to but he was dead. Sakira didn’t like the fact that he would go back to that war zone.
“I’m not going alone and besides, they’re all dead” he smiled.
Finally, Sakira agreed but was not fully convinced. She wanted to come with him but he refused. He left with the two boys Julia had given him and they set out to look for the missing
documents. Sakira was restless and worried. She watched as each minute pass by. Julia smiled at her and admired the strong love they both had for each other.
Finally, Dave and the two boys returned and Dave had gotten his bag back. They were ready to leave now. As he got down from the horse, Sakira approached him and hugged him.
Dave told Julia he would want to leave and not waste any more time here. He wasn’t healed yet but he insisted on going. Julia prepared some medications and gave him to use to get the wound healed on time.
“You ready?” Dave asked and Sakira gave her biggest smile
They mounted a horse and rode back to the city. Finally, they can return to where they belong. Sakira felt delighted. Everything was beginning to take shape. She prayed silently
that everything should just continue to work out smoothly. They reached the seaport and got their tickets stamped. They boarded the ship to Africa and finally left the lands of Great Britain. Sakira looked back and gave a sigh of relief. She survived this. She finally made it.
Dave hugged her from behind and stared into space with her. Her mind turned to Dave who was the mastermind of everything. Without him, she wouldn’t have made it this far.
She turned to him and placed her arms round his neck.
“Dave, I’m so grateful for all the sacrifices, you’ve made for me. I wouldn’t have….”
He stopped her as he kissed her.
“I told you, you’re worth it. You’re worth any sacrifice.” He said.
They remained in each other’s arms as they sailed on the ocean of the Atlantic.

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