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Well this thing got on stucked on my brain (if I actually have one XD) and it won't let me sleep in peace. =^= so decided to write this. This OMAKE features Akashi modelling 'coz I cut it. (Refer to CHAPTER 9..... I think xD) Well I'll stop blabbering and on with the story.


I, the Akashi Seijuuro is now in front of the agency with Kise's manager, today is the photoshoot. "Ryouta its time." Aoi Kurumu, Kise's manager said. "Okay Aoicchi!" I said and I began to walk with her. "Ryouta, the clothes that you're going to model is on the dressing room." "Okay!" and I entered the dressing room. I twisted the knob open and behind the door...........









I rubbed my eyes too see if I were just seeing things, but behind the door









Was......... (I really love dots.... haha okay I'll stop) nothing.......... (sorry just can't stop >w<)

Nothing but a chair, clothes, mirror... etc etc. Well nothing facy or flashy, seems a typical dressing room. Well I expected something knowing its Ryouta. I placed my belongings on one place and turned to Kurumu with a stupid grin. "What should I do Aoicchi?" I asked with a high-pitched, cheerful voice. "Well, the clothes seems to be in order... You'll wear each of them starting from... here!" and she handed me the clothes I'll wear. "And these two would be incharge of your hair and make-up." then she pointed to the girls by the door. One of them are blushing, and the other have a stupid grin. "Well see ya Ryouta!" and she slammed the door closed.

Suddenly I felt that someone is staring at me. I turned and saw the one with a stupid grin awhile ago started to cackle. "A-are you okay-ssu?" when I said that the girl cackled more loudly and the other one is starting to have nosebleeds. "KISE-KUN!" and the two of them jumped at me. "Um... erm..." I tried to wriggle out of their grips but failed "Aaaw you're so cuuuute!" and one of them pinched my left cheek. "Help!" I screamed and the door burst open. There stood Kurumu panting really hard and then she glared at the two girls.

"Yumi! Gumi! Let go of Ryouta!"

"We don't want to!" both of them shouted in perfect synch.

"Now." Kurumu said with a 'calm' voice

I turned to the girls who are clinging on me and I noticed that they shivered. Slowly they let go of me. And I began to fix my clothes. "Thank you Aoicchi!" I thanked Kurumu in a Ryouta-like way and hugged her.

Kise tilt your head a little." the photographer said and I did what I was told. "Perfect!" he exclaimed and he began to snap pictures. "Alright bring the girls in!" What girls? And 6 girls entered. "You," and he pointed to the girl with a long brown wavy hair "go to Kise's back and wrap your arms around his neck." "You," and now he pointed to the girl with black hair tied in a single pony tail "go to Kise's left and place your right thigh on Kise's left leg." and the photographer started to bicker orders. "Perfect keep it just like that!" and he started to snap photos again.


I finished modelling and its really exhausting. And the photo shoot is so awkward I almost kissed one of the girls there! Remembering that event made me blush. So I hid my face with a pillow and started rolling on the bed. But then something hit me. Why am I acting like Ryouta?! My body just moves on its own accord without me realizing it. I shrugged and brought my phone out, and began to type a message.

To: Ryouta

Subject: Thank you

The photo shoot went fine. The photographer praised me how well I did on the photo shoot. I texted you to thank you Ryouta. If it weren't because of you I'd screw up. Though I think I can handle it myself without you teaching me.


When I pressed the sent button I closed my phone and sighed. I guess switching bodies are not the only effect of those drinks.


A/N= Alright! The first OMAKE of this fanfiction! Well Akashi seems a little OOC, no scratch that! Akashi is a total OOC here. But whatever... And I really got pissed a while ago too! Well read the update of Kuroko no Basuke and lets see if you weren't going to be pissed off. Also please read this new book I posted here like a little while ago xD

Of Thoughts and Insights

Just random thoughts of some middle school students about Saudi and Israel's poetry.....

Well hope you guys would read it. It has no particular plot and stuff, but you guys would enjoy it. I apologize if there are any typographical errors and grammatical errors. Also I'm sorry if the descriptions and stuff aren't accurate enough, its just that I'm not good in describing movements and things.


I do not own Kuroko no Basuke, it belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi. I only own the figure (I think..) and this fanfiction's plot.

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