1.8K 73 57

Okay... I'm gonna update this 'coz I found inspiration and TIME LOL XD Because I finally got my hands on these babies~ ---> picture at the side :) I mean I've been hunting for them ever since. And I'm so lucky because they're the last stock in the store. Also I felt proud for having them because I bought them using my own money. Remember where I said to ya guys that I have a part time job? Well I used my paycheck to buy them. Don't judge me! Also, this book has already reached 10K! And seriously I'm squealing in joy :) Thank you guys for the support!

Imma end it here 'coz I think no one really reads this part and I'm wasting my time and energy typing this. But whatever~~




I can hear people laughing...

The clanking of bottles...

I forced on eye open but I was surprised that everything is so black... 

C-Could it be... I lost my sight?! N-no... 

I can also feel my body being restrained... 

"Oh the kiddo is awake!" I heard a gruff voice said. Suddenly something slipped of my face. I quickly closed my eye because of light suddenly flooding my vision. After awhile I opened one eye trying to adjust at the light. After awhile both of my eyes are now open. I can make out figures.

"Heh... this is Akashi's son?" One voice mused. I turned and saw a rather big guy. He's bald by the way. He has red eyes. Wearing tattered pants and nothing on the top. I gulped. "What's wrong, kiddo? Scared?" one of them mocked. I threw a sharp glare to the person who said that. He has long dry brown hair tied in a messy ponytail and almond colored eyes. "Oi.. oi... stop glaring at me will ya?" He said with a smirk as he kicked me on my stomach. That had me sent flying and crashed to a wall. I coughed. 

"Oi! Stop hurting the brat will ya?!" A husky voice said this time. He looked rather old. He has black hair and has emerald colored orbs. "What? Scared?" the man who kicked me taunted and it got the latter annoyed. "Of course not. We simply made a deal with his father." the main said "Tch." the one who kicked me looked rather bored now. He simply walked away.


It's been three hours since Kise gained consciousness. It was dinnertime. And his stomach kept on growling non-stop. "Can someone make the growling stop?!" the guy with his hair tied in a pony tail screamed in frustration. "I'm hungry-ssu!" Kise whined. "Shaddap!" and they heard someone's phone ring.

The ringing sound came from Kise's pocket. 

"Oi! Search the brat's pocket!" the old guy with black hair and emerald orbs barked. One of their minions obeyed. After searching for Kise's pockets the minion brought out a yellow cellphone and gave it the one who ordered him. The guy with black hair and emerald orbs took the phone. He flipped it open. Its an incoming call. He answered it.


"Where's Ryouta?" a cold voice from the other line said

"What Ryouta? As far as I know we kidnapped Akashi Seijuuro." he replied

"Ah. So its true. You kidnapped him."

'Shit!' the man cursed on his head.

"Give the phone to Akashi Seijuuro."

"And why should I follow you?!"

"Because I'm absolute." (I bet ya guys kows who he is XD)

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