Chapter 3 - Blood unto Blood

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Emma got out of the shower and brushed her damp hair over her shoulder, fastening it into a loose ponytail. She had slept in longer than she expected to, it was nearly noon by the time she finally made it down to the kitchen for breakfast- well lunch, really. Cristina and Livvy were sitting next to each other in light-hearted conversation while Ty was reading something on his phone at the table. Julian, of course, was at the stove, wearing the same thing he had been wearing when he came to her room last night.

"Well good afternoon there, did you just wake up?" Cristina was holding back a smile as she teased her while sitting on the bench along the window.

"Hey now, it is only," She glanced down to check the time on her phone, "11:52 so it is not afternoon. It isn't even noon actually, it's more like prior-to-noon," Emma shot back playfully. Cristina simply rolled her eyes with a laugh, Livvy and Ty joining her, "Where's Perfect Diego? I thought surely he'd be with you," Emma waggled her eyebrows suggestively earning a glare from her.

"He was called back to the Scholomance. Now that the murders were solved, he is needed for another investigation." Her voice sounded as if everything was completely normal, but Emma knew it must have hurt a little with him being gone again. She itched to make another sarcastic comment, but she refrained knowing that her friend was probably upset. Instead she just smiled and turned to talk to Julian.

"So what is for lunch? I'm assuming it is lunch you are making since you all have been up for a while," She laughed wryly.

"Well, I know you hate to miss breakfast so Ty suggested we have breakfast for lunch. I'm making waffles," He was smiling happily as if everything was back to normal and it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her chest.

Julian had finished making the waffles and set them all on plates for everyone. Dru had rushed in to join them and took her plate to the table beside Ty and Livvy when Mark came in. It was the first time she had seen him since what happened in her room and she felt the red creep up her face as he walked in. Livvy was looking at both of them, she must have known something had happened the other day. It was so horribly covered up that she couldn't help but feel relieved that it wasn't Julian, even if she wished it was.

"Hello, that smells delicious, Julian. Are there any for me? Perhaps with strawberries?" He looked to his younger brother who smiled at him from across the room.

"Of course, they're right over there." He gestured to the counter where a stack of waffles were waiting with a pile of strawberries on top. It really was remarkable how well Julian knew his family and how much he did for them. And for her, even though she wasn't a Blackthorn. Mark's smile lit up his face as he patted Jules on the back and grabbed the plate to make his way over to the table to join the rest of them happily chatting.

To her mixed surprise and horror, she felt a hand on her shoulder and a kiss planted on her cheek, "Good morning, beautiful." Emma's eyes widened as the room went silent. Everyone sitting at the table had frozen and was staring at her and Mark. Julian, who had been walking over was frozen in place. Dru was the one to break the silence.

"Wait, are you two dating now?" Her voice contained a guarded excitement. Emma couldn't answer, her throat choked down any words that she tried to get out.

"Yes we are," Mark chimed in happily as he took the seat beside her.

"I knew it! I knew something was going on when I walked in on you guys in Emma's room," Livvy pointed accusingly with a laugh. She and Dru were obviously happy about the news, Ty looked slightly intrigued but nothing more and Cristina had a look of pure confusion on her face. And then there was Julian. He was frozen in place and she was glad no one else was looking at him because his expression was so unguarded. His eyes were wide and full of so much hurt that Emma could barely contain herself from running into his arms and whispering that everything would be okay. But she couldn't do that, because for the first time she couldn't say it and believe it herself. He looked as if she had reached her hand into his chest and pulled his heart out herself. He tried to regain his composure with little success. He silently sat down next to Ty who glanced at him and rubbed his head on his shoulder like a cat, urging Jules to stroke his hair which he did with a rueful smile. Emma was so caught up in her own heartache that she didn't notice the sad look Cristina and Mark shared subtly across the table as well.

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