Chapter Thirty: Infiltration

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GoGo glared at Jack. She wasn't happy about being woken early, but after having things explained, she was even more unhappy. "How could you?"

Jack looked tired as he hung his head slightly. He knew it was like a slap in their faces, but he also knew what a group of highly trained military types could do to a bunch of kids. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see them as anything else.

"Jack. Jack. Jack," the Doctor sighed, shaking his head. "Don't get me wrong. I understand why, but why didn't you come to me first?"

Fred finished settling inside his suit. He didn't flip the head cover up just yet, but he was more than ready to do so at a moment's notice. "Hey, it's done, right?" he reasoned. "No use crying over spilt milk. But if we're going to keep the advantage, shouldn't we be going?"

From over by the TARDIS's main door, Wasabi nodded. They'd all changed into their modified armor, though the sushi chef thought they all looked a bit weird with their gear painted all black. He supposed it wasn't a bad thing to have something more stealthy, but it still just looked wrong. "Might as well," he quipped, more than ready to set foot outside of the strange wooden box.

"Shouldn't we wait to see where we're actually going?" Honey Lemon worried. She clutched her chem. Purse almost nervously. While she didn't like what Jack had done either, she could see the wisdom in it. But she didn't blame Hiro for being upset either.

Hiro settled his helmet in place, activating the tinted face screen. "I'll take Baymax out for a quick look," he offered, his voice harder than usual, along with his expression. "It's still dark so maybe they won't see us if we play things low key."

Knowing he had to try and redeem himself, if only just a little, in the boy's eyes, Jack took a step forward. "I have a better idea," he informed the youth as he pulled out a drone from behind the TARDIS console. "I made a quick trip back to my home base for this. That way we don't tip our hand quite as early."

The expression Hiro gave him said he'd already done that, but he nodded. "Fine." He was just glad it had stopped raining.


Thanks to Jack's done, they had a more general idea of where they were going. Unfortunately, it took two trips to get everyone within a decent distance of their intended target. Baymax just wasn't big enough to cart the five Heroes and three extra adults all at the same time.

Baymax landed with the last group. He'd managed to find a shelf of bare rock for the purpose. The ground was almost boggy in some places, due to the all the rain. It made hiking more than a little difficult.

"We'll have to go on foot from here," the Doctor announced.

GoGo sighed as she attached her skates to the magnet on her back. "This doesn't look good for mobility," she observed, testing the ground with one booted foot.

Hiro patted Baymax's arm. "You're going to have to hover," he told his companion. "Can't risk getting your repulsers all gunked up."

Jack shouldered his pack. Since the three travelers didn't have super hero gear, they would be relying on more conventional means, which meant they each carried a filled pack. "We'd better get going," the captain observed, as he looked skyward.

Dark clouds still hung low in the sky, promising more rain. But, for now, the air merely remained heavy and damp.

After almost twenty minutes of walking, the group finally came across what could almost be confused for a natural clearing, but it wasn't. Jack pulled out some binoculars and scanned the area.

When Stars Collide, a BH6 x Dr Who crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now