Chapter 1!

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~Since its two years later Clarity is now 16 years old and has white hair and has a lip and nose piercing still~

Face claim: Alexandria Axelina

I'm not sure if either of these wonderful people are going to read this but

I'm dedicating the story to 5sos1DNiallLuke and jacqui_5sos because they gave me the ideas/inspiration for the story <3
*reuploaded after taking it down*
Clarity's P.O.V

A smile made its way across my face as I helped the boys throw the last of our luggage onto the back of the tour bus.

It took us six months just to get the tour planned and tickets out and sold but we were all completely ready.

I finished 11th grade on my MacBook and got off of my pills; everything was going great. I had 8 original songs out and 15 cover songs out on YouTube which had quickly spread all over the internet thanks to the boys.

People actually knew me and I had fans; actual fans! People had my post notifications on for all my social media and lots of people knew my name. I've had multiple people stop me and ask for pictures and it's honestly amazing seeing people fangirl over you.

I had 1.5 million followers, I know the only reason I was found so fast was because of who my father was, but I was okay with it.

If people genuinely liked me for my talent, why be mad at it?

"Are you excited to be on a tour bus for the first time?" Ashton said to me as we walked side-by-side up to the bus doors.

"Of course I'm excited! I get to go on tour around the world and meet a bunch of fans! Also I've always wanted to sleep on a tour bus!" I giggled and hurried on after Michael and Luke.

The other boys seemed so experienced compared to me; but that's because they were.

The bus was quite large inside, when you first walked in there was the drivers seat and a pretty blue curtain separating the driver and the rest of the bus.

When you walked through the curtain you walked into the dining area. It had an oven, dishwasher, full sized fridge, a microwave, and a red booth to eat at. Light town cabinets lined the walls. It was super pretty and there were large windows on the sides that had moveable red curtains. When you walked past the kitchen there was the bunk area. It had six beds in total; three beds going up each wall with connected ladders. Each bed had a navy blue curtain that you pulled close for privacy I'm assuming. Right through there was a door that connected to a small bathroom. In the back there was a small room with a tv, Xbox, and a couch.

"This is so cool!" I squealed, "I call top left bunk!"

All the boys smirked and looked at each other evilly.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow and threw my stuff up onto the bed I claimed and shoved my folded blanket and my pillow onto it the best I could from my current position.

"Have fun with that." Calum grinned and put his stuff by the wall. The other boys put their stuff where they wanted it to be and smiled, "You'll be sleeping fabulously."

I just rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge to reveal a bunch of necessities including milk, juices, soda, energy drinks, fruits, snacks, eggs, sandwhich meat, and tons of food that you'd find in an actual kitchen. The freezer and cabinets were also full of food and I was absolutely fascinated by it.

The boys just found it hilarious how much I loved it but who could blame me it was my first, and hopefully not my last, time touring.

"Where's the first stop?" I grinned and turned to the boys who were all standing by the oven.

"First we're going to Chicago, Illinois first and playing at the United Center." Luke said and smiled. (A/N I may or may not have googled Twenty Øne Piløts 2017 tour places and copied that pshh)

"Cold place, right?" I asked and pulled a Mountain Dew from the fridge.

"Yeah, usually, especially because it's Fall. During the day is pretty warm and during evening and night is when it gets cold out." Luke explained and I nodded.

We heard and felt the bus start and all of us smiled in unison, knowing this was the start of a new beginning and era for all of them.

"Let's do this!" Ashton exclaimed and everybody yelled "yeah!" And high-fived.

We all knew this was about to be the best few months of our lives and was gonna make us even closer than ever before.

We ended up in the back room just minutes later, Ashton and I were sitting on the couch on our phones, my legs were across his lap and Michael, Calum, and Luke were battling on Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing.

"HA HA HA LOSER! I WIN AND YOU LOSE AS ALWAYS!" Michael suddenly jumped up and screamed at Luke, laughing loudly, catching everybody's attention.

"Man! This game is rigged!" Michael pouted and lied back onto the uncomfortable floor.

A grinned and turned back to my phone; I was currently texting Bailey (a/n if you remember her from early in the first book I actually love you a lot like pls lmk if you remember her.)

Bailey lived in California, which according to my schedule was where I was going to be in a week. We both were excited because we had been talking as internet friends for two years, we stopped talking for three months but that doesn't count, after we began talking again we were closer than ever and became the closest friends.

She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. She's 17 years old, has dark brown hair that reaches to her waist, she has green eyes and tanned skin. On her left arm she has a tattoo of an anchor with the words 'I refuse to sink' on it. She has two moms named Hannah and Lucinda and lives in San Diego.

We plan on her coming to the concert and hanging out afterwards. It was all coming together great.

"You know what guys." I suddenly said, looking up from my phone,

"I love you. I really love you all."





Tbh I stopped with the last one because I didn't like how sad it was and now here we are in the sequel and I'm so excited I have so many ideas for this book.

My cousins over and we have been sitting here for the past three hours creating my cover picture, doing the bio, finding a good face claim, and then it took me forever to write the chapter because yknow my cousin kept distracting me because she needed me to approve on photos for the cover and yeah! It's currently 1:30 in the morning and yep

Here it is I really hope you enjoy!
Updates soon!


Cover photo creds: Lukestagrammnn

Touring with 5SOS {Sequel to Adopted by 5SOS}Where stories live. Discover now