Chapter 2

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Clarity's P.O.V

I sat at the booth in the kitchen with my small hands wrapped around a cup of hot coffee.

It was 3 a.m and I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. The next day we would arrive in Chicago and be performing that night. It was my first time going on stage infront of thousands and thousands of people; people who had admired the boys before I even knew they existed.

Just two years ago I was in an orphanage cutting myself every night and now I'm going on stage to preform infront of a gigantic crowd.

I took a sip of the coffee and let out a sigh, not knowing if I was ready to perform.

My stomach was in knots and I was scared as hell. I knew the songs I was doing and my lineup, it was just scary.

I was singing two cover songs to start off, then three originals, then two more covers for the opening act.

"Clarity?" A voice coming from behind me caused me to jump slightly and turn my head quickly.

"Yes Luke?" I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair, knowing he probably wasn't happy that I was still awake.

"Why are you up?" He raised an eyebrow and sat infront of me at the booth.

"Not tired."

Okay that was a lie, but I didn't want to tell him that I was scared about performing and then listen to him talk about being prepared for an hour and then lecture me on self image and confidence for another half an hour.

"Yeah maybe cause you're drinking coffee." He pointed out and took it from my hands gently, "You don't need this so late at night."

I just rolled my eyes and stuffed my now -cold hands into my hoodie pockets, "I'm fine you should go back to bed."

"Not until you're asleep. Clarity we have to perform tomorrow and you can't sleep all day. We're going on at 6 which means we're gonna be setting up all day long. Go to bed."

"Luke," I held a yawn back, "I'm not tired please just go back to bed."

"Clarity go to bed right now." He scoffed and stood up, putting his hand outwards to direct me to the beds.

"No Luke I told you I'm not tired and I can manage my own sleep schedule. Leave me." I sighed and gave him a look.

"Well that sucks because it wasn't a question. You're going to bed right now wether you like it or not. Go." He demanded.

I let out a dramatic huff and got up, walking into the room and climbing up and into my bed.

It took me a good twenty minutes of laying in bed and tossing and turning before I managed to drift off into a deep sleep.


I pulled the sapphire blue, tight fitting, sparkly dress into my thin body and adjusted it a bit. It had two inch sleeves that didn't pass my shoulders and it stopped mid-thigh. In my opinion it was super revealing but it's what they gave me to wear and it's not like I had anything better in my wardrobe.

The concert was starting in half an hour and i'd never been more nervous.

As soon as I walked out of the changing room I was rushed over to the hair and makeup area.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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