2. condom boy has a name

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the next day I go on and do adult things.
I pay my bills,
go to the grocery store.
go to my uni classes.
but soon I find myself sitting behind the same counter trying to get some reading in as I wait and wait for a costumer to peak my interest
as I near close to the end of lolita I hear a familiar ding of the door signaling it was that time again. only to be disappointed it was only 11 as an old man came in grabbing a 6 pack and a bag of Doritos. classy I love it. soon enough my favorite time of the day rolled around and the beautiful boy with blonde hair and a lip ring that could make a teenage girl faint.
"the usual?" I smirk
"oh darling you know me so well" he smiled
he came hand in hand with sour gummie worms and a condom.
"switching it up on me eh" I smirk
"I've got to keep you on toes now don't I"
"safe sex and gummy candy oooo kinky" I giggle
"think what you wish but the time will come" he retorted
"okay condom boy"
"the name is Luke, Luke Hemmings"
"ooo condom boy has a name, what's next I get to meet your cat?" I laugh
"if you want to meet my dog here's my number" he smiled and wrote his number down on the inside cover of Lolita
"I should slap you for dis facing my book but I'll pretend it didn't happen to give you the benefit of the doubt"
"yes ma'am and goodnight"
"glad to be your provider of safe sex" I yell as he walks out the door
as a furiously blushing old lady walks up to the cash register
"you're such a beautiful girl you shouldn't talk like that" she weakly smiles
"I have a lot more to worry about than to be desirable." I smile as I hand her her change
"boys don't like girls who...." I cut her off
"I'm sorry miss but I really don't care if boys like me or not." I smile fakely as she mumbles under her breath and scurries out.

condom love notes // lrhWhere stories live. Discover now