10. drives

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driving from new york back to new jersey left a lot of time for layla to overthink.
luke picked her up early that morning and was currently asleep in the passenger seat.

"layla everything will be okay." she spoke aloud to herself.

"it will." luke stirred opening his eyes.

"i have a question." she muttered


"what do you even do? like do you have a job or anything?"

"i'm in a band. we're 'trying to make it big'" he laughed

"what about you, what other life do you live outside of drunken mornings and convenient store blues?" he smiled

"I go to uni, i'm majoring in literature. i'm a writer." i muttered.

"that's fascinating, what do you write?"

"mostly free verse poetry, and some short stories." she blushed looking away from the blonde boy and back on the road.

"every time i see you, i learn something new." he smiled as they passed the familiar 'welcome to new jersey' sign.

the wedding was tomorrow, and the decided to just call it a night, heading to sleep in a hotel room, the two queen beds on opposite walls.

as they both pondered, on being bigger than themselves.

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