✩ Nine ✩

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When Itachi discovered their secret relationship, they were frightened as to what might happen, but they certainly hadn't tackled this certain predicament. Sasuke, as always, handled the pressure like a champ with his head held high and back straightened. He wasn't interested in his parents' approval clearly, though it couldn't hurt to have it. [Name] on the other hand....

The door slowly opened, and the young female froze up. Her clutch on the wine bottle tightened, and when her eyes met his parents', she didn't know what was going to come out of her mouth. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs.Uchiha! I brought you some wine, but not to get you drunk obviously. You already know my name but I can introduce myself again. My name is [Name], and I'm Sasuke's girlfriend and---"

"We know your name," Mrs. Uchiha quietly laughed as she widened the door. "Please, come inside."

Her husband wasn't as inviting, keeping his jaw clenched and arms crossed. She couldn't tell whether this was his usual stance or if he was already disapproving their relationship. It made her blood turn cold, but at least Sasuke was there to be helpful... "Don't just stand there. Go inside." Okay, well a very loose sense of the word 'helpful'.

"Thanks," she muttered before entering inside their home.

The interior of their home was the same as the last time she was here, pristine and beautiful. It only proved how much of a gap there was between Sasuke and her, making her feel even more on edge-- if that were possible. The nerves had her slamming into every wall possible even the ones that were not in her path. She stumbled in her heels as if she were back in her freshman year of high school and learning how to use them.

"Is she drunk?"

The question Sasuke's father whispered to his wife made her panic. "I FORGOT TO BREAK INTO MY SHOES!"

"What does that mean?"

"Dear, it means that her new shoes are hurting her." Thanks the heavens for Sasuke's mother!

Sasuke clicked his tongue as he watched his parents leave them in the living room. "Don't yell. We can hear you just fine."

"I'm sorry, I'm just going crazy over here," she supplied weakly as her eyes shifted from the hallway to him. She didn't know why they left them here alone, speculating that they were readying the dining table or ordering their butler around. She honestly couldn't tell what they were doing when they left her sight. Maybe talking trash about her?

"You know, you've always been laid-back with them that I thought you would be fine."

Her eyes drifted up to glance at Sasuke. "It's just a lot of pressure right now. I came to them as their little daughter-in-law, and to come as something else is pretty nerve-wracking." Her fingers played with the jewels that decorated her clutch as she kept her breathing steady.

".....Just think about how I would act when I meet your parents."

She owlishly blinked at the man. "Uh, you wouldn't be a mess like me."

"That's true."

"I thought you were trying to help me."

"I'm just saying that there are others going through the same thing. You're not the only one out there in this predicament."

Her heart fluttered at his attempt to calm her down and it worked somehow. She grinned widely as she tiptoed to kiss his cheek. "You're not so bad as a boyfriend."

"When did you ever think I was bad?"

"... When I first met you."

"And I thought you were a money-hungry whore who's trying to sleep with my brother."

✩Aηɣҭɦiηg Ϲaη Ӈaρρeη✩ [Sasuke Uchiha]Where stories live. Discover now