Welcome To Storybrook

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You were driving through Maine late at night trying to get to the town that you were going to do a story on. See, you a writer for a news paper and you were passionate about your job. If there was a story there, you wrote it. And you don't even use your......never mind.

Your friend was going to meet up with you a month later in this town (not Storybrook).

Your friend calls.

"Hey! How you doing?"You asked even though you were a little bit annoyed because he just called FIVE MINUTES AGO.

"Fine. Are you okay did you reach your destination yet?" he asked all properly because he new you were irritated.

"No. And why are you calling me again? You could have just come with me now instead if a month later."

"One: I have to finish something for work and then I'm coming with. Two: because I wanted to know if you a were okay."

That's when you saw IT (yeah I'm dramatic). You saw the Storybrook sign. Your job had you know all of the towns everywhere and because Storybrook is not on the map you were confused and kind of scared because you were lost.

"Hey, have you ever heard of a town called Storybrook?" You asked.

"Storybrook? It sounds made up. No I haven't heard of it."

"Are you sure. I'm passing a 'Welcome To Storybrook' sign."

"Well I've never heard of it. Look I have to go and I'll stop calling you if you want me too."

"No. Just don't call so often okay?"

"Okay. Gotta go. Bye."

You pulled over and took a picture of the sign. Your job let you choose what town you got to write about, so you decided to do this one so you could learn more about it. You started driving again and you saw all of these buildings. You could already tell that Storybrook was a small town. You pull up to this bed and breakfast and ask the nice lady for a room. While she was looking for a key you thought you saw a crossbow behind the counter but that was silly you thought.

"How long will you be staying with us" she asked

"I haven't really decided. I have to learn everything about this town first."

"Everything?" she asked nervously

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason. Just asking."

You were about to walk up stairs when she said, "Oh, and welcome to Storybrook."

Hey oncers!

This is my first book so I really want to know what you think. I know this sucked sorry.


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