Meeting the Mayor pt 2

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Hey congrats to Oncer-At-Heart for winning my contest. You are now Zoey Wattson in tge story.

"Hi. I'm the mayor of this town, Regina Mills."

"Hi. I'm Zoey Wattson. "

"So Wattson, what are you doing in Storybrook?" she asked. The way that she asked kind of sounded like she was accusing you of something.

"I'm a writer. I was on my way to another town but Storybrook seems interesting and I'm allowed-"

"Look Ms. Wattson, my question is what are you REALLY doing in Storybrook?" Now I know there's something about this town.

"Well my question, madam mayor, is what is it about this town are you trying to hide. See I'm a writer, a photographer, and kind of a detective. So whatever it is your hiding, I will find out."

"Well I'm the mayor but trust me you have no idea what I'm capable of." She seemed really mad right now and you thought you saw a little ball of fire in her hands but you thought that was stupid and impossible its impossible. Between that and the crossbow behind the counter at the bed and breakfast you thought you were just imagining things.

"Looks like we know were we stand"

"Looks like."

And with that the mayor walked away. Now you knew there was a big story here and you were going to find it. You will always find your story.

Well, you ticked off the queen with the magic that can kill you in a second..........GOOD LUCK


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