The savior

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"There's something about that new girl Zoey Wattson." Regina told Emma. She went to the sheriff's station because she really wants you out of town.

"Are you sure you aren't just saying that because she stood up to you. I mean, you practically accused her of doing something wrong when all she's done is wake up." Emma told her.

"This town can nor be exposed. Do you even know what she is?" Regina knew you were a writer but is that all?

"No. You didn't tell me yet you just started ranting."

"She's a writer and photographer. She wants to do a story our town." (A/N see what happened there)

"Well come on its not like she's looking for the magic-" Emma stopped and realized that she didn't know for sure if you were looking for magic in Storybrook.

"See? She could be looking for magic."

"What if I talk to her. I'll use my superpower."

"As much as I would like to believe in your made up power, I think we should think of something else."

"Your the mayor of a town filled with werewolves, dwarfs, fairies, princes, and princesses and you can't believe in my superpower?"

"Fine go ahead and talk to Ms. Wattson. Find out what she knows about us."

Emma got into her (A/N amazing!) car and drove around and found you taking a picture of the clock tower and walked up to you.

"You find it that interesting?" she asked you.

"I actually do. I don't see a lot of clock towers in the other towns I write about."

"So I saw you talking to the mayor earlier. It looked like it didn't go well. I'm the sheriff by the way."

"Yeah. It was like she was accusing me of something. I told her that I'm writing about Storybrook and she asked me what I was really doing here."

"Well she can be very...alert sometimes. No one really comes to Storybrook. So our town isn't really well known so, how did you find us.?"

That question was kind of odd to you. But Emma was so nice that you just ignored it. But her and the mayor act like no one ever comes to Storybrook.

"I was driving to go to another town but I passed through Storybrook and it seems interesting to me. And me and my friend both had never heard of it."

"Oh, well we're glad to have you here. I have to go"

"Happy to be here. Bye Emma."

"Bye Zoey."

Emma drive back to the sheriff's station were a nervous Regina was. We all know that when Regina's nervous, it gets ugly. But on her drive back she realized something: she never told you her name so how did you know it?

"Finally! What did she say."

"She's not lying. She's really only here to write her paper. She doesn't know about magic in Storybrook." Emma decided not to tell Regina about the name thing because it could mean nothing.

"Okay. I'm glad we can put this behind us."


Well you met the legendary savior. People still don't know that much about you and maybe that was best.........NOT! If no one knows you there no drama. (Michelle Tanner's voice: DUH)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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