Meeting the Mayor pt. 1

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The next morning, you walked down to Granny's Diner for breakfast. You couldn't believe how good Granny's Diner was. Then you started doing what you always do: daydreaming. It helps you come up with ideas on what to write. You were so deep in thought that you didn't notice two people looking and talking about you.

"Who is that? I've never seen her in town before" asked Regina.

"I don't know. She just came to town last night. She said she wants to learn about Storybrook." said Granny.

"We can't have this girl know about magic."

With that the Mayor started walking up to you which broke you out of your daydream. "Hi. I'm the mayor of this town, Regina Mills."


HEY ONCERS....sorry for the short chapter

I am having a contest to see who's nake will get in my book. You have to answer these questions.

1. Regina is Henry's what?
2. Emma lovers have been ____,______,_______.
3. How did Graham die? ;'(
4. Hades kill Robin hood with what.
5.Ruby is currently where and with who.

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