Friendies with Luke friend

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Friendies with Luke friend

 I was sitting in living room with Nicholas we were looking at our song choice for this week, I had I will always love you by Whitney Houston for movies week and Nicholas had City of Angels by Sarah McLachlan?

“Hey Alison what do you think of the show so far?”

“What do you mean? Like who I like the most?” Nicholas smiles at me and then got up and went in to the next room

“Yes who you like the most? I mean not singing as a person?” I walk to him and looked him the eyes.

“I like all the boys and love the groups all of the rough copy guys are way cool”

I turn around and see Abi with Hannah they were both laughing a something I felt a bit out of the loop with the girls group at the moment, Abi is single me a lot, she definitely doesn't like me.

“Hey Abi what you up to?”

“Noting that you need to worry your un talent head about” then both her and Hannah walked away

“Hey do not listen to her you got more talent in your right finger then she was in her whole body”

“Thanks Nicholas that mean a lot to me” then I walked close to him then said “your true friend”

Then I walked up to my room that I have on my own because there was odd number of girls, I got in to my bed and fell asleep. 

Friendies with Luke friendWhere stories live. Discover now