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I was sitting at the breakfast bar eating my breakfast, it was quiet for once, it has been very crazy  after I kiss Luke, all his fan are outside the house try to get to me and Luke, we have even got a nickname lukson and we got bodyguards coming soon to keep us and the house safe. Then the front door open and Scarlett hoop in on her crutches, Jack was behind her carry all their bags.

“Hey, did you have nice time?”  I asked them.

“Yeah we had great time, it was nice seeing all own old friends” said Scarlett.

“How’s your leg?” I asked her. 

“I dose not hurt anymore, but it is very annoying but I cannot dance or walk for another 10 weeks” she replied, “let stop talking about me and start talking about you and Luke kiss”  she giggle like a little school girl.

“First the show tell me to do it when I was dancing, second did you know that was going have to kiss him, and lastly I have all his super fan are outside the house trying to get to me”

“No I did not know that you need to kiss Luke in the show and I seen the girl outside it crazy”

“Yeah it is mad out there they are bring bodyguard to keep us all safe”

“Well I am going to unpack” said Jack.  Me and Scarlett both watch jack walk up stairs.

“Ok what going on between you too” I asked Scarlett.

“Oh my god noting, he my best friend that all” she cried.

“So noting happen” I said with smile on face.

“Well he did do this very nice thing for me” she said with big smile on her face.

“Tell me”

“He did a surprise party for me, at little café that we us to go to when we were little” she said with very happy look on her face.

“Aww that is so cute” I grin.

“There still noting going on, I only have felling for me as a friend” she said not looking at me.

“Whatever you say” said I know she lying to me.



I was sat down stair playing on my IPad, then two men walk in the house, “can I help you” I asked the two men.

“We are the bodyguards” the taller one of the two men said.

“You don’t look like bodyguards” I said getting up from the sofa.

“What make you say that” the smaller one said.   

“Well you are not build like a bodyguard” I said getting a glass of water.

“Well I am pretty sure we are” the taller one said.

“Hey what your guys name anyway?” I asked.

“My name Peter and his is Sam” the taller one said.

“Well I am sure you guys will keep us very safe”

“Yeah noting bad will ever happen with use here” Peter said to me.

For some reason I do not completely believe Peter when he said that, there is just something about him do not like.

“Well goodnight guys see you in morning” I said and then walk up stair.

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