one scary night

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After Luke wake all of us up, I went down stair I walk into the kitchen, I got a cup and filled the kettle up with water, I put tea bag in and two teaspoon of sugar, and I turn around and jump a mile.

I put my hand on my heart “what the fuck you scared shit out of me” I cried.

“I am sorry I am the new bodyguard, my name Rome” he said with small smile on his face.

“Oh ok would you like a cup of tea?” I said turn back around to make my cup of tea.

“no thank you” he said taking a seat at the breakfast bar, he look me up and down and he eyes stop on my legs for long then I like him to, creepy like hello I am not piece of meat.

“Well I am going to bed” I said tuning to the stair.

“Would you like me to check your room for you? To make sure it safe” he asked.

Check my room my ass, I bet he just want to get in to my room, again creepy “no thank you, I will be fine” I said already walk up the stairs.

“Ok goodnight” he shout up the stair to me.

I did not say anything back, I just open the door to my room. “What the fuck” I yell, there was man standing over Alison bed.

“sh sh” the scary man said.

“What the hell are you doing in my room and standing over my best friend bed” I asked.

“I am the one of the new bodyguard, I am checking to see if your room is safe” he said calmly.

Well that me relax if though he was a weird man watching Alison “ok well I do not mean to be rude but can you get out of my room so can get some sleep” I said walking to my bed.

“Yeah of course, goodnight” he said walk to the door.

“Night” I murmured as I got into bed, he close the door behind him.

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