tell me part one

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I wake up to sound of the shower running, I got out of bed and walk down stair and walk into the living room to see Luke sat on sofa, he had sad look on his face, I sat down next to him. “Hey what a matter Luke boy?”

“Nothing really, just got a lot on my mind” he answered.

“Like what?” I asked.

“You got to promise not to laugh” he said not looking at me.

“I promise, you can tell me anything” I said.

“Ok here it goes, we’ll have felling for this girl and I want to ask her out but i don’t know whether it will mess up own friendship” he whispered, oh my god where this going, he us to have felling for me. Is he talking about me, he can’t be, he would not be tell me. Surely.

“Well how much do you like her? ”I asked looking him in the eyes.

“Well every time I look at her, I think she is the most beautiful person in the wold and that I could not live life without her, because once I seen her face, not seeing it again would hell” he said shyly, I hope he is talking about me, because I fell the same about him.

“Well it sound like you like her a lot”

“I do”

“I don’t think it will mess with your friendship because if you like she that much then I am here it will not be that long in till she fell same about you”

“You think because I would hate if she does not fell same”

“I am sure, so what her name?” I asked.

“Her name...” he stated just then my phone rang for god sake he just about to say.

“Hold on” I look at my phone to see it was Seth, I push answer button.

“Hello baby” I answered.

“All right hunny, how you doing?”

“I am good thank you, how about you?” I said. Luke mouthed “who that” I mouthed back “Seth”

“I am great, hey is ok if I come round for a bit?” he asked.

“Yeah sure, is everything ok?”

“Yeah fine, I just want to see my little girl”

“Hey Seth”

“Yeah” he said

“Are you sure you’re gay?” I asked.

“Shut up, see you in a bit”


“Bye” he said then he hanged up.

I was just about to ask Luke what girl name was called but then Scarlett walk in.

“Morning everyone” Scarlett said happily.

“Morning what got you so cheerful?” I asked her.

“Noting just had good night sleep” she said. Just then Jack came in and put his arm around Scarlett waist, they look just like couple, their always doing thing like that and every time I asked them if they have felling for each other they both say no their just friend, lies lies .

“Well I am make cup of tea if anyone want one” I said. They all said yes, so went into the kitchen and put on the kettle, I was waiting for the kettle to boil when a man walked in, he smile at me, he must be one of the bodyguard, I look at him closely I swear I have seen him before, there just something about his eye that way to familiar.

“Hey you must be one of the bodyguard, I am Alison” I said in my most friendly tone.

“yeah I am, my name Rome, nice to meet you” just then I heard someone screaming outside, I ran outside, to see Lochlan being held down by some man, Lochlan was crying to be let go and Seth was standing there with shock look on his face.

“What hell going on?” I shouted.

“Alison tell this mad man to get hell off me” Lochlan barked.

“Hey I do not know who you are you but you get hell of my friend”

 “I am sorry but I did not know that was your friend, I have to keep house safe and I did not know who was or what he was doing” he said getting off Lochlan.

“Hey you ok Lochlan” I asked him.

“Yeah I am fine, just bit weird out” he said walking inside.

Well that was crazy. 

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