Chapter 1 - The Ugly Truth

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“Guys get up!” Dominique shouted.“We over slept.”

“I told you guys we shouldn't have a sleepover a night before school.” Said Fiona.

Dominique threw a pillow at Victoria and yelled,“Get up bitch we're gonna be late! You are our ride to school remember? Our vehicles are at our houses.”

Victoria moaned and rolled off the bed and the three girls rushed to bathe, eat and get ready for school.They got in Victoria's Bentley and drove off.

“Oh my God. I can't believe I'm late.”Said Fiona.

“Just chill out.” said Victoria.

They rushed in Chemistry class right on time.

After class they went by their lockers and spoke.

“I feel like I haven't learned anything today." Said Victoria rubbing her eyes.

“Well obviously if you slept through the entire class.” Said Dominique.

Logan walked up to Victoria and she became nervous.

“Hey ladies.” He said smirking.

He walked up to Victoria grabbed her waist and placed her on his zipper. He moved her hair with his head and bit her neck.

Then he whispered in her ear,“Remember last night?”

“Logan could you leave me alone!” Exclaimed Victoria.

Then he walked away saying later babe while biting his lip staring at her.

When he finally turned the corner Fiona and Dominique looked at Victoria in disgust and disappointment.

“You slept with him? Are you out of your mind?” Asked Dominique furiously.

“Don’t you think you're sleeping around a bit too much?” Asked Fiona.

“Guys! This is not your life okay? I can do whatever the hell I want to whether you like it or not. I live my life to the fullest ’cause I'm certainly not a boring girl!” She snapped looking up and down at Fiona.

“Listen to me!Leave Fiona alone. She's NEVER done anything to you but you always look down on her. Just because she has self-respect and doesn't sleep around like some wanna be whore like you, doesn't mean she's anything less!!!”Shouted Dominique.

“It’s really nice to see what my so called best friends think about me.”She said with water in her eyes. And you,(pointing at Dominique) can rot in hell!” She slammed in her locker door and stormed down the hallway.

“Wait V! I didn't mean to.” Said Dominique regretting what she said.

Dominique and Fiona turned to each other and hugged.

Dominique really hoped what she said wouldn't ruin their friendship.

They let go at headed to their next class.

When they arrived they realized that Victoria wasn't there. She had skipped class for the 5th time this week.

Dominique became worried, asked for a bathroom pass and left.

Dominique entered the girl's bathroom to gross noises and quietly opened the door to peep in. She saw that it was Victoria with Logan doing it on the bathroom sink.

Dominique was scarred for life. She didn't need to see Logan's thing going into her best friend while she moaned in only her underwear.

Dominique finally got the courage to walk in and say, “What the f*** is this!!” She yelled trying not to puke.

       *     To be Continued . . .     *

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