Part 7-Familiarity

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Aaannddd..another authors notes..XD i could write these all day..anyway welcome to my another boring note from the i was reading my creations..(deal with it)umm..i notice that i'm missing some coma's,periods..and other stuff..but please try to understand my story..because you know..i'm still new..anyway i wont delay you to part six..which i will be.

Toby:i think that's enough talk*drags me out of the room

No!wait im not yet finis-----

_OnTo ThE sToRy_

Breakfast was ready and Slendy was serving them..i helped a little to exercise my tendrils a little bit..well they are part of my body afterall..Sally and i was chatting on the table and until i saw Jeff and L.J staring at the corner of my eyes..when they noticed,they suddenly looked away..i was confused..then Masky suddenly came to the room..

"Where have you been?"-i asked..

"Uh..i fell asleep in the room where you were sleeping for five days..and it seems that someone didnt woke me up.."-Masky glared at Sally..

"What?You suddenly collapsed when she woke up?i had to leave you.."Sally grinned..and added"I wonder why?"

"Why did you collapse Masky?"-i  eyed him..although masky wore a mask,i could tell that he was getting awkward and he just walked to Jeff and L.j and sat quietly,i served him a cheesecake and that seem to changed his mood..seriously though whats going on..everyone is acting weird except for Ben,Sally,Hoodie,Toby and Slendy..those four are totally normal..

_Time Skip_

As i finished cleaning up the kitchen with Sally,i went outside to take a breather..funny the crater that i left 5 days ago is gone..i sighed and walk through the forest even deeper until i came across a figure from a distance it was a woman..she had dark long hair with red hair tips..she was very beautiful..and that wasnt all she ws singing..she had a beautiful curiosity got the best of me and decided to walk towards the figure..there was something about her..she's very i know her..then suddenly the figure disappeared"Jean?What are you doing here?"startled i suddenly jumped.."Woah..relax..its only me Buttercup.."Jeff smiled..

"Oh Jeff..its you..what are you doing here?"i asked staring at the spot where the figure was seconds ago..

"This is ussually where i go every now and then..the real question is what are you doing here?"-Jeff tilted his head..

"I was just taking a breather.."- sat down leaning against a tree while Jeff climbed one of its branches..

"From what?"-Jeff asked

"I just wanted some fresh air"-i closed my eyes..

"I see..Jean?"Jeff stared at the clouds

"Yeah?"-i was now laying on the ground closing my eyes..letting the cool breeze brush through my cheeks..

"Do you have a crush on someone?"-Jeff asked

"Why did you ask?"i opened my eyes to see his serous face

"No reason.."-Jeff go back to his laying position staring at the clouds..i closed my eyes again and started to doze off..after what it seems to be awhile i woke up to see Jeff by my side faceplant to the ground..i think he fell..i let out a small giggle and poke Jeff's cheeks waking him up.."How was your sleep?"i asked still chuckling.."Wha-?d-did i f-fall?"Jeff looked at the branch..He sighed and stood up and offered me his hand..He rubbed the back of his neck and said "we should get going.."he started walking..i followed behind behind him..

_Time Skip_

We finally made it to the Mansion Ben was outside setting up a table..Slendy and Sally came out through the front door and noticed me..Sally smiled at me and Slendy beckoned Jeff and Me to come closer..

-To Be Continued

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