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Visions of different events.
And the unexplained 'BAM' sounds, the introduction of this story begins with the Antihero; Gelisane--better known by her alias, Corrie.
'Can't believe I was dragged into this stupid war.' Slashing a nearby enemy, she took her anger out on them before thinking outloud. "At least I'll get the information I was promised." Suddenly, Gelisane shrieked in pain as a bullet went through her right shoulder.
Yelping, she breathed heavily before casting a mist like fog across the enemy's line of sight. "Good work, Corrie." Patting her on the back, Gelisane glared dangerously at the commander even after warning him time and time again to not touch her. "Not so good for us, but I'm sure we'll manage."
Scoffing, Gelisane began to run back to the tents when her and a few other's fell to the ground in pain; clutching their heads while pressing and grinding their teeth at a high pitch frequency, Gelisane's screams not audible by her ears.

'Here again? What the hell is this place.' As whispers and commotions arose in the large room with a long-stretched table, it was soon silenced as three figures stalked through the tall double doors.
Two of which sat down while the third stayed standing. "I know you all know me, but in case you don't, my name is Dagon. Pleased to meet you all." His eyes roamed the seated people until his eyes looked at Gelisane, slightly twitching with a sarcastic grin that had almost faltered. 
'The hell did I do? I don't even know you.' She thought before a Lizardman jumped from his seat and started shouting.
"Explain to us why you're killing the tree! Aren't you, yourself a Fae? Your powers come from that tree!"
"Oh. I forgot Shamans still existed." He rolled his eyes as he spoke deadpan, leaning against the table. "Isn't it obvious? A room full of smart-asses and not one can think of a reason why?" Suppressing a smile, Gelisane grew confused at her sudden action.
Sighing annoyed, one of the three that walked in; a grey elf with chromatic red and silver eyes, stood from his seat. "Just tell us why you're doing this Dagon. If this is for some petty reason, then you are just being childish."
Dagon's smile was not of mischief, but confidence. He stood straight before puffing his chest a bit. "I don't believe I need to give an explanation at all, old friend. And don't forget about our agreement Ith, you cannot touch me nor my plans as long as I had given you th--." This Ith person cut him off before he could say anything else. Causing Gelisane to become suspicious of him. After a moment of conflict from the others, the Lizardman who shouted; named Marrow, took hold of a long green haired elf-girl --dressed in black with a Scythe on her back-- and a Lycan person's wrists before they teleported away.
Snapping out of the vision, the commander from before yanked Gelisane to her feet before shouting in her ear. "SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP! YOU'RE IN A MIDDLE OF A WAR FOR FUCKS SAKE'S." Just before his yells were finished, gunshots were fired once more in their direction.
Ducking, the both of them barely managed to get out of the way when the third wave from their side roared a mighty battle cry. "No, no, no!! FUCK. The third wave isn't suppose to be out there yet! We're at a complete disadvantage thanks too those Rustellian bastards and they're fucking guns!"
Quickly thinking of an idea, Gelisane ducked an oncoming bullet as she spoke to the commander. "If we somehow manage to retrieve some soldiers from the second wave and regroup them with the third group out there, then the fourth wave can try to disguise themselves and hit the enemy from the side, while the third--."
"I get it. We use the third wave as a distraction while the fourth and some soldiers that had come back from the field attack from behind." Contemplating the idea, the commander adjusted the plan before going back to the campsite and speaking about it with the corporal.
"Brilliant! This is exactly what we needed, good plan Commander Xashe." Patting the commander on the back, he was praised for "his" idea.
Rolling her eyes, Gelisane didn't care about the credit till the splitting headache had came back; the pain flowing across her face and body. 
Expect his time was different.
Instead of seeing, smelling, and feeling the distant images that had played before, Gelisane and the others who experienced the same symptoms as her; traveled into the near-future after the battle was won by their comrades. But for some unexplained reason, no one remembers anything of their visions. It was as if their minds refused them too remember. 
Squeezing her eyes shut tightly when she began seeing stars, Gelisane quickly opened them; the scene before her making no sense to what had occurred earlier.
With an indescribable animal like roar, the two from before; Dagon, and some Lycan --whom she saw in the room of the image from earlier before forgetting-- were fighting. A blinding light being wielded by the Lycan thrust the sword through Dagon. With his eyes finding their way to the amberish blue orbs that belonged to Gelisane, he smiled wickedly at her that sent chills through her body. Whispering something no one could hear as his eyes faded from life; and her heart, aching softly in pain at the sight in front of her. 
Her legs walked on their own towards the two but just as she took her third step, Dagon's body began to disappear in the form of ash, along with the Lycan person as well as they howled in a tone of victory.

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