Tara's whole body felt strange! As she floated in the blue orb she felt a new power growing inside of her. Argreasis had said it was the power of strength, but floating helplessly inside of the orb she felt nothing but weak! Suddenly the orb began floating towards the ground. It dropped her softly of her feet. "I feel so strange!", exclaimed Tara weakly. Then with a gentle surge of power she felt a new strength fill her. "I feel it! I feel the power!", she exclaimed joyfully. "Yes,", said Mianea calmly, "You should be able to.". "Thank you!", exclaimed Tara happily, "I know this will help me protect animals in the great battle!".
"Would you like to try it out?", asked Argreasis softly. "Oh, yes!", exclaimed Tara excitedly, "I would like that very much!". "Let's go back to the river.", said Mianea happily. "Why the river?", asked Tara questioningly. "You will practice lifting the fish out of the water in a bubble of strength and I will try to get to them.", said Mianea licking her lips. "The ones you can't protect, probably the first few, will make an excellent breakfast.", she finished. "I'm all for that!", exclaimed Argreasis thinking of breakfast. "Ok, let's go!", said Tara, slowly at first but finishing with gusto.
At the river, Mianea started instructing Tara on how to create the protective bubbles. "Start by focusing on the fish,", said Mianea slowly, "Yes, that's it.", she said calmly. "OK. What's next?", asked Tara sweetly. "You need to think about protecting the fish now.", continued Mianea, "Imagine a bubble encasing them, one that would protect them.". "OK.", said Tara. "Now, try to create that bubble." , said Mianea slowly. "I'm getting it! I'm getting it!", exclaimed Tara with excitement. The bubble suddenly popped and Mianea speared the fish out of the air. "That was an incredible first try!", exclaimed Mianea proudly. "But I dropped the fish.", said Tara sadly. "This takes a little practice,", said Mianea sweetly, "that is why we are training."
Tara and Mianea continued practicing for quite a while. Soon, every fish Tara picked up was completely safe. Even Mianea sharp claws could not pierce the bubble! "Alright,", said Mianea happily, "You have been doing excellently, let me give you a challenge!". "What kind of challenge?", asked Tara curiously. "I want you to try to pick me up in a bubble of strength!", exclaimed Mianea with excitement. "You?", asked Tara nervously. "You can do it.", said Argreasis calmly, "I have full confidence in you!". "OK.", said Tara softly. She focused on Mianea. Slowly she lifted her into the air and formed a bubble around her. Argreasis tapped on the bubble with his claws, proving it sound. Tara then set Mianea gently on the ground. "I did it! I really did it!", exclaimed Tara with great joy. "That you did.", said Mianea proudly, "That you did.".
Tara (book 1 in the "Princesses of Naonis" series)
FantasyTara, a gifted peasant girl, discovers she is really the firstborn princess of the magical kingdom of Naonis. A kingdom, one that she has never known, in turmoil. When she was just a babe, she was sent away and raised by a nymph when her kingdom was...