Like a little teddy bear

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The final bell rang and I sprinted out of my English class to see Jason walking out of his last period class. We walked to my locker so I could put my unneeded shit in there.

"So, I deserve your whole life story. Like, from baby Jason to Mr. Sexy", I said, closing my locker, he chuckled and walked me outside. I started for the buses when Jason asked, "What are you doing?".

"Um, I'm going on the bus.. I'd rather no walk home, That's ridiculous", I said. He rolled his eyes, "You can come in my car".

"You drive?", I said. Again, he rolled his eyes. "No shit, Sherlock". I slapped his arm and he smiled. "Asshole", I said as I followed him to one sexy ass Range Rover.

"Friggin' sexy McCann", I said. He opened up my car door and I hopped in. "Wow, a gentleman with a record. Hot". He winked and went into his side, turning the key, making the car roar to life. It was as sexy on the inside as the outside.

"Damn, you make my Pathfinder look like a piece of shit. I mean, its not old or anything, but mine has garbage and papers and junk all over the floor. Yours? Spotless", I said, feeling the leather seats.

We were driving for a little until I realized we weren't heading to my house. Actually, we passed my house 5 minutes ago. "Um.. my house is that way", I said. He smirked at me, and kept looking at the road. "McCann, if trying to fucking kidnap me I will chop your balls off".

He thought that was funny, and kept laughing. "Chill Vee, don't get your granny panties in a bunch. I'm not gonna kidnap you. Now, do want to know how I became this fucking sexy?", he said, glancing at me every so often. I nodded my head yes. "Then stop the friggin' talking. I've never heard someone talk so much".

I smiled at his insult. "It's a gift doll face". He rolled his eyes, turning a corner. We were now in the other side of town. I don't usually go over here. People get shot, houses are robbed.. everything happens over here. My mom's a doctor, so we live in the nicer part of town. Some of the kids here are nice, but they can tell some pretty fucked up stories about over here.

"Jase, I don't really know if we should be over here", I said, locking the doors. With this car, I know we'll be a target. "Don't worry about it Vee. I've lived over here my whole life. I just went to the other schools until I got transferred. As long as your with me you;ll be fine". I smiled. I liked that even though we meet today, he cares.

Which reminds me. Jason and I only met today. Like 6 hours ago. It feels so much longer. I've never liked a guy or flirted with a guys as fast as I did with Jason. it was weird, but a good weird. I kind of like it. It's like Cole doesn't even exist anymore. Every time something like this happens, I take him back. But now with Jason, I don't even think about Cole.

He pulled into a little two story house and got out, opening my door. As soon as I stepped out, I heard a gunshot. "Oh fuck", I muttered as I grabbed Jason's arm. "Vanessa, the gun shot was literally a mile away". I mocked him and he laughed, walking up the porch steps.

He opened the door, and inside was three boys and a girl. "Hey guys", Jason called, and they all looked over here. And by over here, I mean at me. "Damn kid, who's the girl", one asked, who looked as if the oldest. "This is Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Johnson", he said pointed to the one who just talked, "Ryan", he pointed to another one who looked Jason's age, "And Alex, my brother".

I smiled and waved at them. "Oh, and this is Cassie, Johnson's girlfriend. She's the one who keeps the house nice". I smiled at her and muttered everyone a hello. We were walking upstairs when I heard the softest voice ask if we wanted anything to eat. I turned to see Cassie. She was a tiny girl.

"No thanks Cass. If we want anything, I'll make it", Jason said, continuing his way upstairs. We walked into a room that was homey and simple. Jason plopped on the bed and I followed, taking off my sandals while Jason took off his Vans.

"Alright McCann. Spill". He let out a deep breath. "You're not going to like what you here, Vee. I've done some pretty shitty things before", he said. "Jason, I don't care what you've done. You came in here, and I instantly wanted to know about you", I said. He looked at me, searching my eyes."Fine, you asked for it".

"Those guys downstairs are my boys. Alex is my brother and legal guardian now that he's 20. Johnson's our man, giving us a place to stay and helping us along. And Ryan is my main man. My best friend since kindergarten.

Together, we're in a gang. There's also Chaz, Christian, Connor, Mike and Tony. Chaz and Christian are good kids. They're a little younger than us, Chaz 16 and Christian 14. Both needed protection, and we needed innocent looking kids. Connor's chill, he's 19 and real close to Alex. He's like Alex's Ryan. Bros for life.

Tony and Mike are who you need to watch out for. I mean, they'd never touch you since I'd beat the living shit out of them, but they're fucked up. Literally. Don't get on their bad side, 'cause its beast. They're really good in a fight.

There's other gangs around here though. And now that we're hanging out, I need you to stay away from some guys. They're assholes and should be put in jail for some of the things they did. So, don't walk over here unless your with me or driving. And I guess that's it", he said.

I looked at him and shook my head. "Oh hell no. I found out nothing about you, Jason". He rolled his eyes and began again.

"Alright, well.. I'm Jason McCann and I've been to jail more times then you have fingers". I cocked an eyebrow at him, laying down on my stomach on the bed, "What for?".

"Shitty stuff I guess. I'm the fucking brains of this gang. I actually get shit done, they just tell me what to do since I'm the only one who won't get caught. I've been to jail for breaking and entering, stealing, fighting, trespassing.. little things like that", he said.

"If it's little stuff like that, why is everyone scared of you?". He shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess it's 'cause I don't take shit from anyone. If they have something to say, they better say it to my face. I've been in alot of fights, Vee", he said playing with some of my curls.

"Well Jase, you don't scare me. At all". He smirked at me. "Really?". I shook my head. "Not at all actually. You're like a little teddy bear. I just want to hug you all day long". He rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"Come on teddy. I'm hungry. Make me food, slave", I said, grabbing his hand to pull him out of bed. He sighed and smiled, picking me up and over his shoulder. "Slave? Yeah, OK. Just remember next time that my arm muscles weigh more then you".

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