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Its been a few weeks since our 'encounter' with Kelly at the diner and things have been good. Jason makes sure Cole doesn't speak one word to me and Kelly basically runs from me in the halls. Serves her right.

Now, Karen and I, along with Kenzie and Darrie, are walking to lunch. We spotted our usual table and sat down. Darrie was talking about her date with Gabe last night, and how he made her pay for the date.

"I'm never going on a date with him again", she said, finishing off her Snapple. Darrie isn't one of those girls who has a steady boyfriend. She prefers to 'sample' the guys, as she says.

Karen on the other hand has been dating Matt all throughout high school. They are the cutest couple I've ever seen and he's the nicest guy I've ever met. They are literally inseparable.

Kenzie is different. She dates a guy, decides she doesn't like him, dump him, get another guy, decides she likes the other dude, and goes back out with him. Never ending cycle with this girl, but she keeps our lives interesting with her drama.

And then there's me, the last part of our little circle. And I have no clue where Jason and I stand. I'm not technically his girlfriend, but we're always together, I sleep over his house, we kiss... everything couples do. Plus, he takes me out and gets super angry when guys talk about my ass in gym class. He's always saying he doesn't like me, and that I just wont leave him the fuck alone, but that's Jasons way of 'expressing his feelings' as Alex says.

"So Vee, what are you doing tonight since we can't hang out? We all have dates", Darrie said. Me and Darrie get along and all, but it always seems like a fucking competition with her, whether its boys, looks or who has better stuff, she always needs to win. And there ain't no way in hell am I taking her shit or going down without a fight.

"Really? I can't hang out either. I'm hanging out with Jase", I said,glancing around the cafeteria for him. He never usually goes to lunch, he's always out, but he always is back in time to drive me home.

"Ew. I don't see why you like him. He's got a record", she said, filing her nails. Fuck you. "Um.. maybe if you got to know him you'd know why the fuck he has a record in the first place. And way to judge a book by it's cover". She rolled her eyes, "Vee, he's mean and he curses. You can do better. Kind of like Cole".

Karen and kenzie looked at her wide eyed. Oh hell no......

"Alright. One, who the fuck says mean anymore? Kinder gardeners. That's who. And if anyone's fucking mean, its you. If you actually knew Jason, you'd know his past and his reasons for doing things.

Two, I fucking curse too! I curse in every sentence I say! It's a fucking gift! So don't judge Jason for that.

Three, what the hell does Cole have anything to do with this? He. Cheated. On. Me. Alright? Got that? C-h-e-a-t-e-d. So that does not make him any better than Jason.

And finally four: I don't understand your ways of doing shit, but I don't like it. Is it because your jealous? Angry that a guy like Cole, captain of the football team, can like me? Because a guy as hot as Jason can like me? If that's the reason, get some friggin' help, woman", I said, angry. I swear I have fucking anger issues.

She gave me the bitchiest look I've ever seen. Karen and Kenzie had no clue what to say.

"Vanessa, you're too full of yourself, you know that? Not every guy in this school likes you! So yeah, you got Cole. Big whoop. No. One. Cares. And yeah, you hang with Jason. Does he call you his girl? Does he ask you on dates? Does he do the things boyfriends do?

No. Because he's not your freaking boyfriend! He doesn't like you! No one does! Guys like you for your huge ass and girls like you for your popularity. That's it.

And I'm not jealous of you! You got cheated on by the hottest guy in school. What's to be jealous of there? And Jason? Heck no. I don't date guys who've been in jail

And I don't care why Jason has a record, nor do I care about anything about him. He's a punk and you're going to turn into a whore with him", she said.

I could have said so much more, but I decided to keep it sweet and simple, "Fuck you". And I got up and left the cafeteria.

It's only 6th period, and school ends at 12th period, but I don't give a fuck. I'm leaving. I walked around the halls to the front doors. I walked out and noticed Jason's Range Rover pull into the parking lot, just in time for lunch to end.

He noticed me and drove over. I hopped in and crossed my arms. "You alright?", he asked. "Get me the fuck away from this school". He shrugged his shoulders and drove off towards his house.

After about three minutes of silence he finally spoke up "You want to talk about it?". I shrugged my shoulders, "Darrie is insane. I hate her. She always needs to start stuff". He placed a hand on my thigh, keeping his sight on the road, "Stay at my house tonight, get you mind off of things. Plus,the guys and I need to talk to you".

Talk to me? "Why..?", i asked, looking at him. He swallowed then glanced at me, "Um.. wait till we get there". And that conversation ended.

Why do they need to talk to me?

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