Nice hickey

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Jason wrapped an arm around me as we walked into the hotel, right past the elevator. Got to hate his claustrophobia.. Luckily our room isn't on the top floor, only the third.

When we got to the room, I immediately went to the fridge to get some ice for Jason. A black eye was starting to form and he had a nasty bruise on his cheek. Since I was at the fridge, I figured I should ask Jason if he was thirsty.

"Yeah, can you get me a beer?", Jason called from the living room. I grabbed one and a baggie of ice, bringing it to him. "Dont'cha think you're a little young to be drinking, McCann?", I joked, putting the ice bag on his bruised cheek and eye. He winced and chugged some beer, after flipping me off.

"I may be young, but I'm not a dumb drunk. Hell, I don't get drunk, I've been drinking for as long as I can remember. And fuck, that hurts, Vee", he said after I applied the slightest pressure to the bruise.

"Jase, it's a nasty bruise. I don't want it to hurt you later". He nodded and chugged more of his beer. Suddenly he smirked, "Hey Vee, do you drink?", he asked, holding the bottle towards me. I pushed it back towards him. "No, and I don't plan to".

He chuckled, "Just take a sip. It won't kill you, princess". I rolled my eyes, applying pressure to his bruise, causing him to wince. "Nope", I said, popping the 'p' like a little girl. "Do it for me?", he asked, giving me the sweetest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. "You just want me to get drunk so you can get some". That made him laugh.

"Who do you think I am?", he asked in a fake shocked expression. "Umm.. I think you're a horn dog". He tried to give me a cold, hard stare, but as I've told him, he doesn't scare me. "I'm frightened", I said, giggling.

Suddenly he lifted me up, throwing me on the couch and sitting on top of me, holding my hands above my head. "Still frightened?", he asked, kissing my cheek, then the corner of my lips, and finally my lips. I kissed back and as soon as he let my hands free, I wrapped them around his neck, pulling him even closer to me.

He slipped his tongue in my mouth and I moaned, causing him to smirk through the kiss. After a few seconds, I pulled away for a breath, and Jason went to my neck, immediately finding my sweet spot, making me moan a little too loud. I bet my neck more to Jason could have some more room.

"The boys will be back soon", Jason said, out of breath. I grabbed his face and kissed him, wrapping my legs around him, and he lifted me up and brought us to our room. He laid me down on the bed and hovered over me, never breaking the kiss.

He had just gotten my shirt off and I was working on his when the hotel room door opened and you could hear the guys. "Yo Jason! Where are you?", Alex called, his words slurred from a split lip. Jason cursed and called out, "In my room. Give me a minute".

Jason slipped his shirt back on and handed me my sweater. "Even though I like it better off, you better put it on before the guys see you in your bra. Only I can see that". I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him once before I put my shirt on. As we walked out Jason mumbled, "Every time".

"Hey Jason. Hey Vanessa, nice hickey", Ryan said and I immediately ran to the closest mirror to see. Sure enough, a big, fat hickey was on my neck. "Jaasssoonn", I whined as I walked back out to the living room by all the guys. He smirked and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to his chest. "What? I like it. Shows them you're mine", he said before kissing my cheek.

Alex looked at me and smirked, "Baby McCann getting it on!". I swear my face was beat red. "Fuck you", Jason said when he saw my face. I tried to hide it in Jason's chest, but no use. "He didn't deny it...!", Alex said while him and Connor high fived. "Get it in!", Ryan yelled as he fist bumped Alex.

"Shut up. Speaking of getting it in, where's Cassie, Johnson?", Jason asked, while bringing us over to the couch with me on his lap. "She stayed back with her family. She hates the whole traveling thing", Johnson said from the couch, a beer in hand. In fact, they all had beers, including Jason since Chaz just handed him one.

"Just remember Jason, use protection", Alex said and again, my face was red, "We don't need baby McCanns around here. Jazzy and Jaxon are enough". Jason rolled his eyes and flipped him off, again, "You're all jealous I got to bring my girl".

Mike snorted, "I'd rather have my girl home than have her be the gang's 'distraction'". Everyone, except Tony, looked at him with a 'fuck you' face before returning to me and Jason. "Way to call Tony a girl, Mike", I said and everyone chuckled. Yeah, I'm still on that since the car ride. Him and Tony just got up and left it their rooms.

"Anyway.. Vanessa do you want a beer?", Connor asked from the kitchen. Before I could answer, Jason called out a yes and Connor handed me one. "I don't drink", I said but everyone rolled their eyes.

"There's rules to this gang. One, you have to travel with us. Two, you have to get the tattoo, which you're getting tomorrow. And three, you have to drink. Everyone drinks", Ryan said while finishing off his beer.

"One, I'll probably get drunk after one sip. Two, isn't this peer pressure", I said and Ryan rolled his eyes. "Just try it". I rolled my eyes, "Bitches". With that, I took a sip of the beer and it wasn't so bad.

"How is it, babe?", Jason asked while stroking my back. "Fine, I guess. But fuck you for making me drink it". He smirked and kissed my lips once and everyone whistled. I stuck up my middle singer, "Suck it, bitches". Ryan chuckled and turned on the T.V. "How about a scary movie?", he said and I remembered mine and Jason's first scary movie. I wouldn't mind a repeat of that.

"Remember our first scary movie?", Jason said as I cuddled into his chest as the beginning credits of the first Saw movie rolled on. "I was just thinking the same thing", I said as I wrapped a blanket around us. "I should make bets like that more often. Maybe this time you'll agree to the first three bets..?", Jason said. "Yeah.. no".

Jason pouted, his lower lip sticking out. I kissed his lips, sliding my tongue in and biting his bottom lip that was just sticking out. Jason turned me so I was straddling him and put his hands on my hips, slowing making their way to my ass. We made out for a few more minutes with the blanket wrapped around us.

"Jason, as much as I love watching my baby brother swap spit with his girl, there's minors in the room", Alex said and Jason kissed me hard before pulling away. he pecked my lips once and I turned around so I was back cuddled into his chest. His arms were around my stomach and I laced my hands with his.

I could get used to this

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