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Cameron's p.o.v
I'm so happy that Alexa gave me a chance to change myself, currently she's sleeping right next too me, "Alexa wake up" I whispered "Nooo" she whined "please" "nope!" She shot back "I'll take you to the mall" I smirked "I'm up!". We both got up, Alexa went downstairs and I went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and rinsed my body.

Alexa's p.o.v
I was downstairs talking to Shawn, "so you and Alyssa are dating?" I smiled "yea just asked her last night" he blushed "Awee does shawnny boo have a girlfriend?!" I teased, moments later Cameron came down, "hey" "hey Lexa" he replied kissing my cheek "Ooo Cameron has a crush and lexxxaaaa!" Shawn yelled loudly "hey!" I blush "just ask her out Cameron!" Val screamed from upstairs, I face palmed mentally and blushed. I go upstairs and change into some black skinny jeans and a lose crop top with some lace trim on the bottom along with white converse to match the top. "Hey" Matt said leaning along my door "hey, any luck with Val?" I smiled softly "yup, turns out she likes me too and boom" he exclaimed make sound effects "that's good". He walks away and cam comes in "Alexa?" "Yup" "uh I don't know how to say this" he said scratching the back of his head "will you be my girlfriend?'' He nervously spits out "Ummm" "yes!" I yell. We hug for what seemed like forever and end it of with a kiss, "Your to damn cute, I promise I won't ever hurt you in anyway. I love you and only you" he smiled "I love you too" we break apart and go downstaires to our friends and tell them the news, "that's so cute!" Val says awing "Cameron if you break her heart I'll break you!" Alyssa, Said trying to be serious but starts laughing, we all laugh for a long time and stop. "Guys were heading to the mall wanna join?" "Um YA!" Val and Alyssa says in a no duh tone "Ight" The others say,

--at the mall--
"Vans store?" I question to Cameron "yea!". We walk in and my eyes land on a pair of Pastel purple vans along with pastel teal vans, "you alright?" Cam questions waving his hand in front of my face "just spotted a pair of cute ass shoes!" I squeal "I'm buying it!" I said grabbing his hand leading him to the shoes, "babe I'm going to the bathroom, be back in 5" I said bolting out of the store.

Cameron's p.o.v
"Excuse I'm can I purchase these shoes" I said holding the two vans of Alexa's choice, "yes, that will be 150$". I told her to not let Alexa get the shoes because I ale ready brought them for her. I ran to the car in the last 2 minutes and ran back to the store in 1.

Alexa's p.o.v
I walk into the store and look for my sizes "Alexa they don't have a size" Cameron frowns "Noooo!!!" I whisper holding the shoe placing it back on display. "Maybe they will get your size by next week" cam says guiding me out the store.

Cameron's p.o.v
We spent the entire day at the mall and I  bought Alexa all the things she wanted as an surprise, I told the workers to tell her that there's no size or make up shade for her. I felt bad because she looked really disappointed :(

Matts p.o.v
"Matt I need you" Val said biting her lip suductivly "are you sure you want to do this?!" I ask making sure, "yes!". Here we go.

Alexa's p.o.v
"Close your eyes babe!" Cameron said as I obeyed we were currently at my house"open!" I open my eyes crying of joy, I saw everything I wanted at the mall. "Cameron!'" "Thank you babe I love you so much!" I yell, I climb on to the bed and kiss him, but that turned into a make out session, "are you sure you want to do this Alexa?" "Yes" I nod "it's going to hurt for a bit". Lets just say we made love! We breath heavily passing out on the bed "I'm glad I lost my virginity to you and only you" I pant "your amazing".

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