For Love And Family?

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August 16, 9534 BC

"Greetings, Uncle." Styxx gave a formal bow to Estes as he met him on the palace steps.

Estes arched a brow at his aloof formality. "No hug for your uncle, little squirrel?" What has happened to you, boy?

Refusing to react to his uncle's thoughts, Styxx glanced to his father before he quickly complied then stepped back out of Estes's reach. He still didn't like being touched by anyone.

"He's becoming quite the dignified man, isn't he?" his father asked, clapping Styxx on the shoulder.

It was all he could do not to cringe or grimace. Only his father would be stupid enough to mistake diffidence for dignity.

"Uncle!" Ryssa ran forward to hug and kiss him.

Grateful for her distraction, Styxx took three more steps away from them and folded his hands behind his back.

Estes glanced at him over Ryssa's shoulder while she chattered on about nonsense. Styxx averted his gaze. It was hard to get past the fact that the last time his uncle had seen him, he'd been lying broken and naked on a table and sobbing like a woman.

An event his father never hesitated to throw in his face. I should leave my crown to Ryssa. At least when she cries, it's understandable.

But more than that was Styxx's anger over Estes not helping him when he'd needed him most. For all his promises, his uncle had gone home to Acheron while Styxx had spent another four months on that table being bled and tortured. He was only now getting back to his full strength and filling out again.

I wish all of you were dead.

Styxx cleared his damaged throat, which still sounded as if he had a severe cold even when he didn't. He'd lost a full octave range courtesy of the priests. "Father? May I be excused? I'm to meet Master Galen for practice."

Ryssa curled her lip at him. "How thoughtless are you? You're going to practice with Uncle just arriving?"

His father held his hand up to silence her. "Your brother's quite right with his priorities, Ryssa. And I'm glad to see him showing some ambition for once." He inclined his head to Styxx. "You're excused."

Styxx gave them a curt bow before he headed down the drive, toward the gymnasium with his guards in tow. While he didn't enjoy battle practice as a rule, he would much rather have Galen knock him around for a bit than face the shame and horror he felt whenever he remembered begging his uncle not to abandon him to his tormentors.

And then watching as the bastard left him.


It was the same atrocious feeling he had any time he was required to attend any temple celebration.

His aversion to the gods at this point should be legendary. And he despised the fact that he had to publicly worship the same gods who'd damned him to this existence. To the nameless one who'd preyed on him.

Meanwhile everyone told him how lucky and privileged he was to be born prince.

The stupid, blind bastards could have it all.

Rage darkened his gaze as he entered the small gymnasium that had been built for the royal family's private use. It was identical to the public gymnasium further in town except for the size. While the other nobles trained and were educated in the public gymnasium, this one was reserved for Styxx. Like everything else to do with him, he trained alone when most boys his age trained with friends.

Of course, it would help if he actually had some of those....

Galen met him at the entrance to his dressing room. "You're early, Highness."

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