Just Once

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She pulled away from her nurse who'd been holding her, trying to comfort her pain. Drawing a ragged breath, she glared at him as if it was his fault Acheron was gone. "What do you want, you selfish little beast?"

Styxx bit his lip in indecision. Her mood was extremely volatile. But what did he have to lose now? "I could be your little brother, too ... like Acheron."

She curled her lip as more tears fell down her face. "You? You're the reason they took my brother from me. Just because you look like him, it doesn't make you what he is. You could never be my Acheron. You're just a poor copy of him. Get out of my sight. You sicken me." Wailing, she buried her head against her nurse's shoulder. The old woman patted her lovingly while they ignored him entirely.

"But I could love you, too, sister. If you'd let me."

Shrieking, she shot from her nurse and grabbed his arm. "I don't want your love, you brat. You know nothing of loving others. Only yourself." She shoved him out the door and slammed it shut in his face.

Styxx's lips quivered as he stared at the closed door with tears in his eyes. "I could learn to love if only one of you would teach me how," he whispered.

But none of them wanted to love him and he knew it. The only person who'd loved him was gone now. Stolen away from him.

I have no one. And he hated being alone. Twins weren't born to be apart. He was only one half of a whole.

Brothers, forever and always.

That had been their pact. Styxx wiped at the tears in his eyes as he went to Acheron's room. But there was nothing here. Like his heart and soul, it was empty. The only possession left behind was Acheron's flat, worn pillow.

With tears streaming down his face, he went to the bed and pulled the pillow into his arms then went to his own room. He held his fist to his mouth to stifle his sobs as he placed Acheron's pillow on the floor next to the wall. Lying down on it, he pressed his spine to the wall and then his feet, trying to pretend it was his brother at his back. But the wall was so cold, and while the pillow smelled of Acheron, it just wasn't the same.

It couldn't hold his hand or speak to him with comforting words. It was just a pillow.

His brother was gone from his world. The grief and agony were so fierce he couldn't bear it. It felt as if someone had reached into his chest and yanked his heart out.

"What am I to do?"

Styxx glanced at his wooden horses and saw the one Acheron had brought to him earlier that day. Rage clouded his sight. How dare Estes give him that and then take Acheron. Did he think a stupid horse could replace his brother's love?

Did he?

Unable to stand it, he ran to the chest and smashed all of the finely carved horses to pieces. He stomped them on the floor until they were splintered. He didn't want to see them again. Ever!

When he came to the last whole one, he stopped. It was the horse Ryssa had given Acheron for their birthday two years back.

Will you keep it for me, Styxx? I would weep if it were lost.

Pulling it toward him, he cradled it to his chest. "I won't let it be harmed, Acheron. It will be here for your return. I promise."

No matter where they lived or how far apart, they were still brothers.

Forever and always.

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