Chapter Seven

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Danielle and I got to my house around one. I was starting to get sleepy on the way back so we stopped at a gas station and picked me up some energy drinks. Danielle was planning on spending the night with me, so I insisted on her going with me to MGK's hotel. She was hesitant at first, but I finally convinced her. I texted MGK asking if he was ready for me to come over and then I got an incoming call:

Yo, Ariel? This is Kells. Yeah come over now. I texted you the address earlier, right? Alright well I'm looking forward to seeing you soon girl. Oh yeah, and bring your friend Danielle too. Dub thought she was kinda cute. Ahaha.

I told Danielle what MGK said and she just rolled her eyes. But I saw a hint of a smile among her lips. I freshened up in the bathroom really quick. Put on a leopard top but left the ripped up skinny jeans on, and changed into some black pleather wedge sneakers. While Danielle and I were walking towards the front door to head towards my car, my mom appeared.

"How was the concert, girls?" She asked. "Oh, it was good mom. I'm actually staying the night at Danielle's instead of her spending the night here." My mom looked at Danielle and then back at me, like she knew something was going on. "Well then, you girls be careful. It's late out and who knows what kind of drunk drivers are out at this time of night." I gave my mom a kiss goodbye and Danielle and I went to the car. I was still feeling slightly tipsy from earlier so she was driving my car once again. 

"Danielle, I don't think I can do this." I suddenly said to Danielle after we were about halfway there. "Oh my God, Ariel. It's going to be OKAY. Is your buzz wearing off or something?" I nodded my head yes. "Well hold on, I can fix that." We pulled into a gas station and Danielle ran inside. She bought a bottle of bacardi with some Dr. Pepper. That used to be my drink of choice when I was around 15. She had a reusable water bottle in the back seat and filled it up with my drink. I chugged it in one minute and she poured me another. I decided to sip this for the rest of the way there. 

We finally arrived to the hotel and we got out of the car. You never realize how tipsy you really are until you stand up. So, as soon as I got out of the car my legs started wobbling and I fell backwards. "Woah, there." Danielle said, laughing. She helped steady me then we walked into the lobby. I texted MGK that we were there and he told us to come on up to his room. We went to the elevator, which had a reflective door. I couldn't help but stare at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty good, but that could've also been my drunkness talking. The shirt I had on covered my stomach perfectly so you couldn't really see my love handles. Suddenly the elevator stopped and opened up on MGK's floor. We walked towards the room and Danielle banged on the door.

Some girl opened the door. "Hi, I'm Ashleigh. You must be Ariel and ...Danielle right?" We both nodded our heads. "Great! Kells has been waiting for you two. But I should warn you, he's a little... not sober right now, let's just put it that way." We stepped inside the room and were bombarded with smoke and the new Black Flag album was blaring. There weren't very many people inside, which was surprising. I saw Slim with a few girls that were dressed in practically nothing and then a couple of guys I recognized from being in MGK's band. Ashleigh showed us the way to where MGK and Dub were. As soon as she opened the door, I had a feeling my life would never be the same.

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