Chapter Four

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A Week Later

"Aniyah, you didn't have to wake up this early to help me cook," Alfred said as Aniyah passed him the butter.

"I know. But I wanted to." Aniyah smiled, "It was fun spending the week with you, you had a lot of stories to tell and you know how much I love your stories."

"You were always one for adventure." Alfred smiled.

"Yeah. Like the time when she climbed that tree and broke her leg when she fell down." Bruce popped his head into the kitchen.

"Or the time when she tried to drive her mother's car," Alfred added.

"Let's not forget the time in Six Flags when--"

"Okay! I think the point is clear!" Aniyah laughed, blushing.

Bruce chuckled, fixing his tie. Alfred put three pancakes on a plate as Aniyah poured a cup of orange juice.

"I don't see how you can drink this," Aniyah said.

"Better than apple juice." Bruce shrugged.

"Lies." Aniyah poked her tongue out, "Now sit down so you can eat."

Alfred sat Bruce's food down and he started to eat.

"Now, I'm going to redye my hair," Aniyah said before jogging upstairs. She checked her suitcase then the bathroom before groaning. She jogged back downstairs, grabbing her car keys. "I left my dye in the car! Be right back!" She called while running out the door.

Aniyah jogged downstairs instead of taking the elevator and walked to her car, unlocking it. She opened the passenger seat and grabbed the bag with the orange dye. She furrowed her eyebrows together, sniffing the air. 'Ew. What did I eat in here?'

Aniyah looked over at her driver seat and screamed, jerking back. She grabbed the car door to keep from falling.

"Wh-What the fuck?" Her voice was shaky as she stared at the dead body sitting in her car. He had on a security uniform with a bow on top of his head. Aniyah looked closer at the sticker on his face.

To: Aniyah
From: J

'The Joker.' Aniyah thought, biting her lip.

She saw a disc sitting in the lap of the dead body. She took the disc. ' Meet Steve' was written in red marker. Aniyah put the DVD in her pocket, taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself, before running upstairs. She ran back into the kitchen.

"Bruce!" She called. He looked at her and stood up, seeing that she was shaking. "There's a dead body in my car."


Aniyah sighed, closing her eyes as policemen checked her car.

"Didn't think we'd meet again like this," Gordon said.

Aniyah glanced at him and chuckled. "Neither did I, Commissioner." She said, staring at the dead body as it was taken out of her car.

"I heard about your encounter with The Joker already, and by what you told us, he's the only one who could've done this," Gordon explained.

"Is it that easy for him to get out of Arkham?" She asked.

"He was out of his cell, but he never left the Asylum,"

Aniyah didn't respond. She was still shaking, and Bruce having to leave didn't help at all.

"Either way this is dangerous. He has people out there doing the dirty work for him. We'll make sure this doesn't happen again but I think you should stay in for a few weeks and if you have to go out, take someone with you."

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