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Zosia makes her way into the locker room at the end of her shift, to see Oliver already in there.

"What you doing tonight then?" Oliver questions as she enters, hoping that they can do something together.

"I'll probably just hang out with Dom." Zosia replies a little bluntly.

"Oh Ok." Oliver says a little disappointed.

"I though you'd be happy, more time to get ready for your date with Jasmine." Zosia replies her tone showing she was hurt.

"What? I don't have a date." Oliver says confused.

"Don't pretend Ollie, The whole ward knows about yours and Jasmines date tonight. Oh yeah and the fact that your a couple. Guess it was just me that was fooled, I can't believe you told me you loved me when your with her." Zosia says angrily.

"Zosh I do love you, Me and Jasmine aren't a thing and I have no idea where people are getting the idea that we are but I promise you we aren't." Oliver tries to convince her.

"Jasmine told them, Why would she lie Ollie?" Zosia questions

"I don't know, let's go find out." Oliver says going out of the locker room and over to the nurses station where Jasmine is sitting.

"We need to talk, staff room." Oliver says and they all make there way into the staff room, zosia reluctantly following.

"Why are you telling people we have a date tonight?" Oliver questions.

"We're going for drink, Had you forgotten Ollie Bear." Jasmine replies smiling up at Oliver.

"Don't call me Ollie Bear, I don't know why your doing this but we are not a couple and we were never going for drinks." Oliver says angrily.

"I know you wanted us to keep things quiet for a while because Zosia and you used to be a thing and she been having a hard time but we can't let that ruin are relationship." Jasmine tells him and with that Zosia runs out.

Oliver runs out after her and catches her in the stairway.

"Zosia" Oliver calls but she just keeps walking down the stairs

"Just leave me alone." Zosia says.

Oliver gives Zosia some space knowing that she won't want him around and makes his way back to the staff room where Jasmine is sitting.

"Right we're not a couple so what the hell is going on?" Oliver questions sitting opposite her.

"You pulled back because you saw Zosia, You don't want to upset her because she's just got out of psych but I won't let it ruin our chances. I Love you Ollie, I love Us being together" Jasmine declares.

"We don't have any chances. There is no Us. I don't love you. I love Zosia." Ollie tells her getting angry.

"It's not true though, you just feel like you have to because she's vulnerable and she loves you." Jasmine replies.

"That's not true, I Love her Jasmine. End of story so whatever this little crush is you have, you have to get over it." Oliver says angrily.

"I'm not going to let that mental, psycopath of a doctor ruin us." Jasmine tells him.

"Don't you dare talk about Zosia like that. She isn't a mental Psychopath, if anyone is you are. There is no us, there never has been and there never will be." Oliver shouts at her, leaving the room.

A/N - Sorry for the late upload my brother had my tablet to download something for me.

Let me know what you think of the chapter and what you think will happen next. Xx

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