4.New World

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Amara P.O.V

I kept driving way to fast and I wasn't that great of a driver yet but I was in a action movie right now and I was the best driver ever. I can't believe what I just saw, maybe he drugged my drink earlier and that was a better answer right now. I stopped a red light and took a deep breath for a moment to get my hands to stop shaking.

"What the hell Amara?" Noah said stepping into the car.

I backed away from him getting out the car and slamming the door behind me. He got out on the other side and looked at me over the car.

"Amara fucking stop already." He yelled.

"How did you do that?" I said still backing away.

"Stop backing away from me." He yelled at me.

I looked at him for a long moment and turned my back running away from him as fast as I could. I didn't make it far when I was grabbed by my wrist and pulled back to him. My back hit his stomach and he held me tight to him.

"Amara for god sake stop already, I was trying to just show you but that didn't work because you ran way before I got to explain anything to you." He said calm.

"What? just tell me that you're a really great magician." I said and he laughed.  

"No, I'm a werewolf and you are my mate." He said into my ear and his breath on my ear as nice.

"Amara you're a human so its harder for you but you have to feel that slight love for everything about me. With time it will get stronger but right know its in you still just slightly. The way I look, smell, talk, walk even my voice should be appealing to you." He said turning me to look at him a little.

I looked at him and then closed my eyes taking another deep breath and I hate to even think this but he's right I do like him. I know all of this is fucking crazy but maybe he's not crazy and he's a....werewolf.

"So werewolves are real?" I said and he let me go.

He nodded at me and I noticed for the first time that he didn't have on a shirt just his pants.

"Everyone around here is a wolf, most people that work for me are wolves." He said smiling.

"Oh, wonder if Aunt Kim know about this?" I said thinking out loud.

"Kimberly does know about it, her date tonight is with a werewolf. I don't understand why you are so scared of me fairies like you are stronger anyway." He said and my eyes opened wide.

I couldn't help it anymore, I looked up at the night sky and I just let myself go passing out.

Noah P.O.V

I looked at Amara as she was not double passing out on me but before she hit the ground I grabbed her. I looked at the dry tears, sweat over her body and cleaned her off a little. Maybe I to was forward with her, but I'm surprised she didn't know she was fae.  I wonder why Kim didn't tell her, Kim was the perfect fay woman. She's sweet, loving, caring just the a fay should be.

I grabbed my little fairy and carried her to the car taking her to the pack house. I would call Kim later and let her know everything but right now this crazy girl need to get into a bed and rest. I pulled up to the pack house and my beta Colm walked out looking at Amara in the front seat.

"Is that our new Luna?" He asked.

I nodded to him looking down at him, he was a short guy and pale as all hell but he was tough. He reach in for her but I growled at him making him back away from my queen. He smell the air and something about that angered me.

"Is she a fae?" He asked and I walked to him.

"Are you smell your Luna?" I asked angry.

"Sorry Alpha." He said.

I walked around and grabbed her and she was as light as a feather to me and smell amazing as well. Colm opened the door and everyone looked at me with glowing faces.

"Alpha you have a Head Three meeting in the next room." Colm reminded me.

I nodded to him and headed up the stairs making my way to my bed room. I looked down at my passed out beauty and smiled at her as I sat her down on the bed. I cleaned her face some and removed her shoes and she started to stir as I pulled them off. She looked around then jumped up looking at me at her feet.

"Are you alright now or do you need to go for another run?" I asked smiling at her.

"Where did you take me?" She asked scared still.

She was scared of me and looking at it now maybe I was to up front with her. I though giving her a new job would balance out the shock but it didn't.

"Well my fairy mate you need to get dressed and had down stairs for a meeting with the other Alphas. You're a Luna now and you have to act like one and look like one." I said walking to the door.

"Are you leaving?" She asked standing from the bed.

I looked at her and slowly walked to her till I could feel the heat coming from her body. I heard her heart speed up and he blood flowing down and I smiled. I reached around her waist pulling her into me and slight picking her up.

"Do you want me to say?" I whispered to her and she shrived in my arms.

She looked up at me with big brown eyes that I could get lost in and blushed at me. I reached down to her till my lips hovered over her.

"Do you want me to stay Amara?" I asked again.

She didn't say anything just softly pressed her lips to mine and I almost lost it at that moment. I pushed my lips harder to her and picked her up completely in my arms and she started to wiggle. She pulled back from the kiss and struggled making me hold her tighter.

"No, I'm to heavy, but me down." She said panicked.

I gave her a confused looked and sat her down, and stretched my arms out grabbed her firmly by her waist. I pick her up and she looked shocked at me.

"Light as a feather." I said smiling.

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