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Amara P.O.V

I walked into the dinning room later that night with a green dress on. I didn't like the color green much but the dress was to beautiful to pass up. I looked at Kim and Noah and smiled as Colm walked in whispering something to Noah. Noah nodded to him and Colm walked out giving me a glance before leaving.

"My mother and sisters are here." Noah said walking to the door.

He looked around the corner and rolled his eyes slight down the hall sending a bad message. If he didn't like his own dame family maybe I wouldn't either. I put a smile as the three 1960's models walked into the room. All three thin, all three blond, and all three looked like the perfect Barbie. The two girl looked to be about 16 or 17 and the one that's his mother looked to be late 40s.

"Noah how are you Darling?" The older one said walking to Noah.

She hugged him tight and smiled kissing both of his cheeks, and Noah just looked at her smiling. The other two walked over to Noah but they didn't say anything thing just looked at me whispering to each other.

"Lana, Raya, Mother this is Amara." Noah said walking to me.

I stood as the three women walked over to me, only his mother had a smile on her face. She grabbed my arms and looked me up and down, the forced me around looked at me from behind. She turned me again and she looked at Noah and nodded.

"She's a pretty one, and very thick as well." She said to Noah.

"Oh dear at your age I would have killed to be more filled out, but I could never gain any weight." She said pulling me into a hug and kissing both of my cheeks.

"So dear what are you?" She asked.

"Well, I'm a fairy." I said looking at Noah who had a smile on his face.

"Oh good Lord, you're pretty and rare, Fairies are rare but a brown skinned on is very rare. You don't belong here you should be in a museum." She said laughing and I smiled at the cheerful woman.

"Oh this is my Aunt Kim." I said pointing to Kim.

She smiled at Kim and rushed over to her and Kim was just as excited to talk with her. I looked to his sister who just stood there giving me a disgusted look. 

"Are you to going to greet my mate?" Noah asked angry.

"Hey." One said.

"Hello." The other said.

I didn't say anything just rolled my eyes, flipped my hair and sat down. Noah sat down at the head of the table next to me and held my hand.

"So Ms. Hudson...." She cut me off.

"Oh sweetheart call me Lora." She said smiling in front of me.

"So how did you two meet?" Lana asked.

"At a restaurant I'm sure." Raya whispered and they both laughed.

"Well Lana, me and your brother meet at work." I said smiling and then stood.

"Where are you going?" Noah asked me.

"Just to the bathroom." I said and he knew I was lying.

I walked out the room and heading for the kitchen when I ran into Colm in the hall.

"Colm can you ran upstairs into my room and look in my purse and grab my mace please." I asked and he looked at me confused, but after a moment he walked away.

He came back quickly handing me the mace and I walked into the kitchen. I was all of our plates of food sitting there and it look great. I asked the cook who's plate was whos and the soup was his sisters. Soup for dinner, that sounded about right for those two bitches. I took the mace and pulled off the top and slowly dumped it into both bowls of soup. I walked out handing the mace bottle to Colm.

I walked back in and sat down looking at Noah and he smiled at me. I watch the cook walk in holding our food and I had to watch as the two girl took there first sip of soup and the reaction was instant. The both stood screaming and there mother just looked at them, I looked at Noah who just looked at them as well. Colm walked into the room seeing the girl face turn red and start sweating.

"Oh for the look of God, go put your face under water." There mother said angry.

"Luna, Alpha you have someone that needs to speck with you." Colm said.

WE both stood walking out the room and in the hall stood the guy that had the pink smoke.

"Alpha Noah and Luna....Amara it nice to see you again." He seemed like he was scared of me or something.

"Sterling how can I help you?" Noah asked.

"My Luna and Alpha want me talk with you and Amara about the Fairy change she had today." HE said sweating .

"What wrong?" I asked walking to him but he backed away.

"Well fairies are very rare in this world and your blood is very wanted by Vampires like myself. WE would pay a lot of money just for a taste of your blood and there will be people that will try and get you just to sell your blood." Sterling looked as if he was in pain as he backed away.

"That's something very interesting Lana." Raya said walking from the bathroom with a red face and Lana followed her .

Noah moved liked lighting over to his two sister grabbing both of them by there necks.

"And what's fucking interesting about that!" He yelled angry.

"Get the hell off of us." Raya struggled to say.

I ran to him softly touching his shoulders and he glanced back at me and he slowly let them go.

"Get out of our house." Noah yelled and they both headed for the door giving me a hateful look.

I looked at Sterling who was still backing away from me, Noah looked at him and sent him home. I didn't feel like eating after that and Noah walked into the Kitchen to talk with the women as I headed up stairs. I was in that much danger, maybe this for killing my sister.

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