Verse 9

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*Tucker's POV*

Never before had time moved so slowly for me. My body longed for a sleep that I continusly denied it. I needed to gather more information, but I didn't feel right about leaving the hospital. Aiden still hadn't woke up and I wanted to be here when he did. The waiting room was completely empty aside from me.

Clair and Paul had gone home to get some sleep, and I assumed his aunt had done the same. I wanted to question her more. I wanted to find out what she knew, but she had already departed from the room before I could. The silence was hell. I tried to listen in on the conversations in the other rooms in an attempt to distract myself, but the later it got, the less people spoke.

Leaving the chair I was sitting in and asking the woman at the front desk if Aiden had woken up, she frowned and gave me the exact same answer she had given me every other time I asked. Grabbing some paper and a pen off of the desk, I headed back to the waiting room, and started to plan. As I wrote each idea down, I found myself growing more and more frustrated. Every solution I came up with only added another back problem. Growling, I crumpled up the paper and threw it across the room, then stared as it never hit the ground.

"What do you want Kylan?" I sighed, leaning against my chair. "And how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. You know, for a vampire, you're really boring. I've been watching you for hours, hoping you'd do something interesting, but no. You just sit there."

His voice was heavy with annoyence, and by the time he had finished his sentence, the chair next to me was covered by his frame. The purple in his eye had dimmed, and he looked about as tired as I was.

"You know, your random pop ups are getting really annoying."

He rolled his eyes and leaned back in the chair. His skin was sickly pale, like if he laid down in the snow, he'd never be seen again.

"If you're tired, go hom-"

"Let's see what you've got here." He said, cutting me off. Lifting his hand, the paper I had thrown just moments ago floated off the ground, and started moving towards us. I could tell he was straining his strength. His hand shook violently over such a simple task. Moving for my seat, I caught the paper before it but the ground and held it out to him.

"How much have you used your powers today?"

He didn't reply at first. After catching his breath and standing up, he made eye contact then turned his face from mine. The the purple had completely faded from his eye and now looked black under his deep red hair.

"All day I've been using them. It isn't easy keeping track of both you and Aiden."

I wanted to ask him why he was following us, why he had suddenly walked into our lives, but he cut me off before I could.

"I'm not here on any orders. In fact, the only reason I came here is for my own selfish goals."

Something on his wrist started beeping again causing him to sigh and turn away from me.

"I'll explain more when I can, but I have to go now. By the way, he's having his nightmare. Go to him and keep him company."

The second his sentence ended, his body vanished and Aiden's heartbeat entered my ears. Rushing into the room, I took his hand into mine and held it tightly. The warmth that usually eminated from his body had forsaken him and was now replaced by a bone chilling cold. Grabbing a un-used blanket off the bed next to his, I covered him with it then listened for his heart rate to slow.

Despite the cold air that left his body, sweat still managed to leave his skin, and if it were at all possible, his heartbeat increased speed once. I needed to help him calm down, but I wasn't sure what to do. Climbing into the bed with him, I stayed above the blanket to make sure the cold from my skin didn't hit his, then pulled him into my arms. I kept whispering its only a dream, that I was here and he was safe, but I knew it wasn't true.

If I had been there, if I had just gone with him to his house, all off this could have been avoided. I cursed myself over and over for not listening to his warning, then started to relax as his body turned towards mine. His breathing was now its normal speed, and his heart rate had relaxed completely. I wanted to know what he was dreaming, to see what he saw, but I knew it was impossible.

The room was starting to get bright as the sun began to filter through the blinds, casting small rays of light all over the two of us. Hearing someone walking towards the room, I gently woke Aiden up, then rushed out the window to avoid being seen. My chest had felt emptier than usual with out him against it, then the sudden realization that I hadn't eaten anything today hit me. After cursing myself for being around Aiden when there was no blood in my system, I rushed off to find someone to eat.

The cool morning air felt amazing against my skin and the further I ran, the more I enjoyed it. I wasn't one to take forgranted my ability to be out during the day, not when so many like me begged for the opportunity, but never got it. I didn't even need the necklace anymore, all the power inside of it had been drawn into my body over the years of me wearing it. I still kept it with me at all times though. The elder who had given it to me when I was a child told me never to lose it, and I promised I wouldn't. No one else had ever even touched it without getting their fingers broken.

Neither Clair, nor Paul needed to use it anyway. By the time I had changed them, my body had absorbed most of the power, so when they drank my blood, they got it too. I never felt right about changing them, but if I hadn't, they would have died.

It was just two years ago. The two of them were going out on a date when a group of men tried to steal Clair's purse. When the two of them put up a fight, they were shot Paul in the chest, and then what they did to Clair...she made me promise not to talk about it.

They hated me for it at first. Because of me they had to give up everything they ever had. Their family, their friends, their whole life. As time went on they became greatful. They accepted that they would be eighteen forever, never changing, never living.

They asked question after question about my life, how I grew up as a vampire, why they had memories from my past, and just about anything they could think of. I told them how I would stop aging once I hit eighteen, that my parents were dead, and why they had memories of my past, though they kept asking over and over. By the time I had eaten and gone back to hospital, Aiden was wide awake, sitting up and reading a book.

"You're not reading that sparkly vampire book again, are you?"

He rolled his eyes then shook his head no, but never made eye contact with me.

"Its called Crowded Spaces."

Moving over to the end of the bed, I took a seat then smiled up at him, only to find him lost in his book.

"What's it about?" I asked, sliding closer to him. I longed for his touch against my skin. I always got like this after I ate, and I wanted to see if his touch felt better than Paul's.

"Its the second one. Unless you read the first one, this won't make much sense."

"What's the first one called?"

Either he wasn't paying attention, or completely ignoring my movements. Our bodies were just inches apart, but he didn't seem to notice.

"The first one is called Empty Halls...when did you get so close?"

Turning is face to mine and resting my forehead against his, I smiled softly then pushed my lips to his. My body felt like it was on fire. The more his tongue danced around mine, the more I seemed to lose myself in him. He pulled away for a moment then asked where I had gone earlier, but I silenced his words with my mouth once again. I didn't hear the doctor come in, nor did I hear him clear his throat until he tapped on my shoulder and told me to get out. Smiling at Aiden one last time, I told him we would talk soon, then headed for my house to change.

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Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Where stories live. Discover now