Verse 13

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*Tucker's POV*

The pain was beyond real. It felt as though I had fallen a thousand floors and crashed to the ground. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, or even breathe without feeling as though every bone in my body had been broken. It wasn't to far from the truth either. Most of my ribs had been shattered from where Shera's fist connected, and thanks to the wall, the back of my head now had crack in it. Even with my body healing itself, thanks to the blood I took in, it still took what felt like an eternity for the bones to mend.

It had never taken this long before. Everytime a drop of blood would enter my system, if anything was broken, it would be fix instantly. But not this time. Something slowed the process.

No one entered my room except Alec, and he only did to drop off my next meal. I wasn't even sure how long I had been in here. Aiden's scent still flowed heavily through the air, telling me he was still safe and around the house. I dreaded my conversation with him. I knew without a doubt, it was not going to end well, and it was completely my fault.

I had lost control.

As Alec walked in to deliver my meal, I pulled all the strength I had and began to speak to him. The words would hardly come out. Straining, I finally managed to ask how long I had been here.

"Three weeks."

I could feel my eyes widen beyond belief. I had been here that long? Looking back over, I planned to ask more, to find out how Aiden is doing, but he walked away before I could.

Gasping in pain, I summoned all the strength I had in me and managed to make it to my feet. Though I didn't need to breathe, the air inside my lungs still forced its way out, in heavy, ragged spurts.

Using the wall, I forced myself to shimmey along side of it, slowly making my way to the door. I needed to see him, to apologize, but I didn't have a clue as to what I would say to him.

'God, he probably hates me.' I thought to myself, trying to maintain my balance.

I couldn't blame him though. If I had been in his position, if someone had done to me, what I had done to him, I would spend every moment of my life making them suffer.

"How dare you!"

A sharp blast of pain shot throughout out my body, sending me flying off the wall and across the room, onto the floor.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?!?"

If I had any voice at all, I knew I would be screaming. Agony ripped through my chest as another blow threw me even further back.

"Everything. EVERYTHING I was working towards is now destroyed, all because of YOU!"

I could feel my body being lifted off the ground, as he raised his hand up and into the air. Though he kept at least five feet of distance between us at all times, I knew in my condition, there was no way I could get to him.

"All I needed was for him to dream, that's it! But no, you went and took the one chance I had at becoming something, and drained it dry!"

Pushing his hand forward and opening it to reveal his palm, my back slammed against the wall at least four feet off the ground. I never once fell though. Instead, I appeared to be held there by the force eminating from his left hand, while his right one began to glow.

Swirling blue and purple waves flowed from his hand, covering where his fingers should be. I needed to stop him. Where was everyone? They had to of heard his yelling, so why weren't they helping?

Turning my eyes from him, I looked to the door and saw it bound and covered, by a strong blue light.

'He must have enchanted the door!' I thought to myself, turning my eyes back to his.

The violet color that normally held strong in his eyes, had almost completely faded. He was burning through his power quickly, and if I didn't stop him soon, I don't think either of us would make it.

Gathering up the last of my strength, I finally managed to get out a few simple words.

"He can dream."

Another burst of pain burned throughout my body, but this time I was able to cry out. He had to be the one preventing my body from healing. I needed him to use more of his energy. The less he had, the faster I healed.

"Vampires can't dream, Tucker! Don't play me for a fool!"

"He can because of me, because of my necklace."

It was getting easier to speak. As my body began to slide down the wall, I could tell he was using the last bits of his power.

When my feet finally hit the ground, I pulled off my necklace and tossed it to him. Breathing heavily and covered in sweat, he managed to catch it, but his eyes grew wide in shock.

"Where did you get this?" Kylan demanded, glaring at me.

All the color had faded from his eyes, leaving them a dull gray under his blood red hair.

"From an Elder, when I was a child."

"Do you have any idea what this is?"

I honestly didn't. It was never explained to me as a child. I knew it had powers, but that's about it.

"Not really, no."

" long have you had this?"

I could hear the shock in his voice, despite his obvious efforts to hide it. I don't know why he was making such a big deal out of this, but I planned to find out.

"Since I was a kid, why?"

"This stone is called The Devil's Eye. Its a powerful gem created by my clan, thousands of years ago."

"The Devil's Eye?"

"Yes. The reason you can dream, go out in the sun, all of the human things you do, are made possible by this."

"How come?"

"A human soul was trapped inside of it years ago. A pure, human soul. It is because of this, that anyone who drinks from you, or in time, drinks from them, can go out in the sun, and dream."

I didn't know about the human soul part, but I knew everything else he said to be true. I wanted to ask him more, how he knew all of this, but as something on his wrist began to ring, he cursed and said he would be back later.

My necklace fell to the ground where Kylan was once standing. Walking over and picking it up, I began to realize just how much of my strength had returned.

I knew I would have to face Aiden soon, but I didn't have a clue what to say. I needed a plan. To tell him things in smalls parts, that way he wouldn't lose control and hurt us both.

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Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Where stories live. Discover now